QE: 15 [Diane]

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Heyo, im sleep. 



Everything was white.

Diane looked around, "Yup, everything's white. Merlin, why is that?" 

"Well, I actually have no clue." Merlin shrugged, everyone stared at her in disbelief.

Merlin then snorted, "You think we'd go somewhere and I wouldn't know what to do?" Merlin the gathered everyone. 

"Call for her." Merlin smirked, "Elizabeth!" She called, when she did,  a black door appeared. It was closed, but Merlin stood in front of it. "Next?" 

"Elizabeth~" Ban called, looking up ad side to side. A blood red door appeared behind Ban, which startled him. 

"Elizabeth!" Diane and King called at the same time. Two doors opened, an orange one and a green one. Two doors for the two of them. 

Last one once again, was Meliodas. Everybody gave him a look and he sighed. "Elizabeth." e stated, Merlin groaned. "Call. For. Her." 

"Elizabeth!" Meliodas then called, what appeared wasn't like the doors that appeared behind the others. 

the one that appeared behind Meliodas a gold door, it had fancy designs but it also had claw marks. Which everyone found weird. 

"What next?" Meliodas asked, after everyone stared at his door. "Okay, these door are your doors in her memories. In her years of living with us, we will go through her memories. We will need to find a special crystal, okay? We'll feel it when it's near or if you have it." Merlin explained.

"Any more?" King asked.

"No one better die. If we die in here, we're gone. I don't know what will happen inside these doors but never forget the task at hand. We are here to save our queen. We are here to cure her and bring her back." Merlin said in a serious voice. Everyone nodded.

"Aright? Let's go in our doors." Merlin turned around and all of them held on the handle at the same time, and turned them too.

A flash of lights appeared in front of them, blinding them. 

Diane got entered a forest, she was wearing a long white flowy dress. "what's with this?" she asked herself, walking around. She was alone and didn't know where she was.

"Hello?" she called, hoping that someone would answer her. But to no avail, she decided to explore.

"Where am I exactly?" Diane asked no one in particular. She turned her head when she heard horses from the right. She quickly hid and peeked who it was.

"Liones' soldiers?" she asked, "They didn't need the soldiers after we took their place."

Diane looked closer, "wait, no, they aren't the soldiers." She turned around and ran to the opposite side.

When she knew that she was away from the group of people, she caught her breath. "Stupid Giant hunters."

Diane sat on the ground, the reason why she ran was because- "I sense another Giant! I think it's the last one from the Giants!" 

Diane froze, she couldn't move once she felt that there was a person behind her. She thanked Merlin that she still had her human form.

"Hello, Miss, did you see a Giant near by?" the man asked, Diane turned her head. "Oh, I'm sorry, but I didn't." 

The man nodded. "I see, thank you." he then walked away and left, yelling. "Not here!" 

Diane sighed in relief, "I thought I was a goner." 

"Little miss Liar."

A voice suddenly said out of nowhere, Diane got frightened and jumped a little.

"You're the only one left." 

"I know that." Diane replied to the voice, hearing voices wasn't gonna be weird here, she's in Elizabeth's mind.

But she didn't expect the next thing to come out to be in Elizabeth's consciousness. 

"You should die, deary~" 

A dark shadow then suddenly hugged her torso, she panicked and stood up. "What is this?!"

"Being alone in this world, it's better to be with your kind."

"what?! no!" Diane fought back, hell no she was not giving in.

"Don't you want to be with you family?" 

Diane was silent, she didn't respond. But the shadow knew exactly what Diane wanted. She wanted to see her family.

"I-I have King!" She tried to counter the shadow with the person she loves. 

The shadow laughed, "Oh? but where is he? where is your knight in shining armor?"

"S-somewhere.." Diane stammered. She didn't know what else to say without being consumed by the shadows. 

"You have no one left, no one is waiting for you."

"someone is!" she exclaimed, "who?" 

"who..." Before Diane knew it, she was feeling numb. She forgot who was waiting for her, she forgot what she was supposed to do.

"That's it~"

"No one.." Diane said in a lifeless manner. 

"Oh! here, here!" a voice of a little girl then disturbed the situation. Diane turned her head towards the sound and she saw a little girl who had silver hair.

"Who's she?" She asked, the shadow didn't answer, instead, the shadow was still.

"N-no one!" The shadow roared, which made the little girl scared and ran away.

"no, wait!" Diane tried to move to chase the girl but she couldn't move. The shadow was on her legs.

"You. Will. Go. Down." 

Diane stared at the little girl running, she ran to a girl with brown hair, a little girl with pigtails. It was Diane when she was a little girl. The two girls looked at her and a little boy came flying towards them and stared at her as well. 

"Who are they?" Diane asked, the shadow didn't speak, the shadow, instead tried to consume Diane once again.


Diane's head started to spin, "what the?" 

"Elizabeth!" a voice, a little girl's voice said.

"Elizabeth?" she asked, then looked at the silver haired girl. 

"Elizabeth!" Diane exclaimed, remembering the queen and her purpose of coming there. She also remembered the boy that was with them.

"You." Diane glared at the shadow, who shrieked. "You piece of shit." She took hold of the shadow and threw it on the ground. 

"How dare you." Diane gave it a death glare. "You die. Heavenly earthquake." she snapped her fingers and a bright light covered everything insight. The shadow shrieked as it was being purified. 

"I'll be back for your friends!" 

When everything was back to normal, a peach colored gem appeared in front of her. "Is this it?" she picked it up and a piece of paper came out of nowhere.

"She slumbers, Not to be awakened. The gems in the right place, and it will open a white space." 

Diane stared at the paper and went to look for Elizabeth, she had to go to the Kingdom of Liones, and she wasn't as near as the thought she was. So, she took of immediately and went to Liones at full speed with her magic. 


I hope you enjoyed! this was 1111 words! xD 

and im sleepy, so goodnight.mornen/afternooon to you peoples.


Queen Elizabeth  | ɴᴀɴᴀᴛꜱᴜ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀɪᴢᴀɪDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora