roomate [13]

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dedicated to AnnaMidnight
you da real MVP ((:

chapter thirteen

ali's pov.

i was beyond done with Jack. i mean he was so damn confusing!

one day he's having one night stands with strangers and the next he's acting all possessive over me in front of other guys.

i mean come on, make up your mind!

i doodled absent mindedly while i thought about what happened with Jack only hours before.

there was no doubt i felt something towards this boy, and it wasn't only the hate, but what was it?

obviously im sexually attracted to him because honestly, who wouldn't be? the boy literally looks delicious.

im just not all for the 'one-night-stand' thing, and especially NOT with my roommate.

ill be living with him for two more years for gods sake!

i sigh and push away my sketchpad, which is holding failed clothing designs.

i run a hand through my messy hair and feel a familiar dryness in my throat. sighing, i push my chair away from my desk, and slowly stand up, arching my back and spreading out my arms. i pull down the shirt im wearing a little and give up when it comes right back up above my underwear.

after stretching for a moment i let out a soft yawn and make my way towards my bedroom door, making sure to be quiet for my sleeping roommate.

i cringe at the small creak it makes at first but grin when it's silent after that.

my feet lightly pad across the floor and i round the corner to the kitchen. i stop in my tracks when i see light pouring across the floor, visibly coming from the kitchen.

my breath hitches at my throat and i stop in my tracks, listening closely for any noise that could come from the kitchen.

after waiting about a minute or two and not hearing anything, i walked cautiously around the corner to be met by nothing.

hm, i thought- maybe one of us just accidentally left the lights on after we got home.

i hummed lightly as i got on my tippy toes to grab a glass. i set it on the counter while grabbing the water out of our fridge.

i poured the water about three fourths the way full in my glass and screw the top back onto the container, taking a much needed drink out of my glass before picking the water back up and spinning around on my heels.

i stop in my tracks when i see Jack, standing, leaning again the wall as if he's been standing there the whole time. it almost looked like he was waiting for me.

i lick my suddenly dry lips and watch his eyes follow the action, them lingering on my lips longer. a little too longer. soon though, they travel lower, taking their time to slowing rake across my body.

my cheeks flush crimson and i look down self-cautiously, pulling at the hem of my shirt, trying helplessly to cover up the lacy white underwear i was wearing.

i could visibly see his eyes darken a few shades when his eyes landed on them, and his adam's apple bob when he swallowed, hard.

i gulped and held onto the jug of water like my whole life depended on it, which was hard because my hands were becoming sweaty from nervousness of his presence.

he took a step towards me and i took a step back, on instinct.

his breathing was heavy and he was staring at me with eyes filled with none other than desire.

he continued his steps towards me and i continued mine back until suddenly i felt the cold surface of the granite countertop on the back of my legs, sending chills down my spine. (so cliché ewe)

he continued his journey, not taking his eyes off me once, until he was so close i could smell the mint coming from his breath.

he gently grabbed the water from my hands and put it on the counter behind me than looked down at me, letting his dark eyes rake over my body, again.

i heard him growl and jumped slightly at the noise, but i barely had time to think about that because in the next few seconds he grabbed my upper thighs with his huge hands and lifted me onto the counter.

in alarm while it was happening, i threw my arms around his neck and let out a small shriek.

Jack was still noticeably taller than me even when i was sitting on the counter, but we were now much closer in height.

Suddenly, i felt Jack dip his head into my neck and inhale deeply. was he smelling me?

i felt him hum in satisfaction before bringing his head up once again to look at me.

he brought one of his big fingers up to my chin and tilted it up ever so slightly, making a light shade of pink cover my cheeks.

i saw him start to lean in and my mind began to race with millions of thoughts and regrets, concerns.

but when our lips met, all the doubts in the world disappeared.

i leaned forward, feeling his body heat warm me.

i could taste bubblegum and mint in his mouth and i loved it more than words could explain.

this moment felt so amazing, i could barely comprehend what was going on.

his lips againt mine, so soft and so sweet, the way he was gentle with me, almost like i would break at any small touch.

but amazing moments cant last forever.

he pulled away suddenly, like i had hurt him and walked away, slamming his bedroom door behind him.

leaving me cold, confused, and wanting more.




how was your Christmas? :))

ill try to update again before break

xo, andrea (madi)

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