roomate [20]

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chapter 20

Ali's pov.

I sniffled for a moment as I heard the door shut, finally feeling some pressure lift from my chest. I felt like absolute shit and all I wanted at this point was a good night of sleep- away from Jack.

My eyes were droopy and I decided against wiping the tears away from my face, my arm feeling heavy as the rest of my body. I was in between the reality and sleep when I heard Jack's voice, speaking softly for a moment before I drifted into a whole different world.

"When i was eight my dad..." Was all I heard before my mind left the real world.


I awoke the next morning and the first thing I did was lay in bed for a while, enjoying the soft glow of sunlight and faint sound of birds that surrounded my bedroom. I hadn't heard anything to indicate that Jack was awake and I was enjoying that as for now. I wanted to work things out between him but I was far too mentally unstable at the moment to try and fix a huge issue with the guy I really liked... I mean my boyfriend.

I exhaled a big breathe and stretched my arms above my head before sitting up in bed and smiling when I noticed that it was still about 7:00 am. Today -I had decided- I was finally going to get a job.

Growing up my family never had that much money. In fact, I was going to be the first person to go to college and graduate. But nonetheless, I was drowning in student loans and now that it is later in this school year and i am finally finally used to all my classes and schedule, I assume it is the time. Even if it isn't a high paying job, it would help me be stable knowing that I have at least some money is coming in to hold myself up.

I rose from my bed and looked through my window upon the busy city of New York. It couldn't be hard to get a job here, could it? I mean there was over 100 businesses on less than two streets. 

After brushing through my hair and curling it lightly, I applied natural makeup and than searched through my closet for a professional yet simple outfit so that I could make a good impression on my future boss.

Deciding upon a pair of plain black pants and a button down colored white blouse, I took a deep breath before grabbing my purse and exiting my small room. Jack was no one to be seen which brought peace to my mind as I exited our apartment. I wanted to be in a positive mindset for an interview.

At 4:00 o'clock i had heard so many "kind" rejections that I was ready to puke. I took a deep breathe when i exited yet another rejection only for my nose to be met by the smell of gasoline and fast food. I exhaled deeply and shoved my hands into my pockets as i turned the corner onto yet another street.

I entered a small café with the intentions of getting a drink with the most caffeine possible, my energy have been drained from the constant walking.

After ordering a large expresso from a kind waitress, I slumped into my seat and exhaled a large breath from my nose.

I pulled out my phone and mindlessly checked it, scrolling through the few notifications from a few close friends.

I set my phone down and looked around myself, taking in the vintage like vibe of the place, I liked it, it felt like a whole new world from the outside streets of Manhattan.

I broke away from my thoughts when I heard hushed voices talking from behind the counter, as my table happened to be very close and i was good on picking up on other conversations.

"Antonio. This place is going to shut down if we don't get more help soon!" I heard an older looking woman saying to a guy who looked to be in his twenties.

"Mama! We are at a disadvantage! I need to go to school a-" he started but was cut off when his mother hushed him loudly.

"Baby, I know.. I know..." I heard her voice crack and I debate on weather or not I should stand up or not. Her son, Antonio, heaves a sigh and I take my advantage of the situation and stand from my seat, approaching the counter, causing them to separate, a fake smile forming on the older lady's face.

"Hello darling, how may I help you today?" she asks politely, causing me to smile down at her very petite figure.

"Hello! I have been trying to get a job recently and I heard a rumor from a friend that you guys needed employee's? I was actually looking for a job today and I have all of my informati-" I start to say in a professional voice before I am cut off by the woman, a huge smile forming on her slightly wrinkled face.

"No need! No need at all, you are hired! You can start tomorrow morning. 8? That is when we open!" She says excitedly, surprising me greatly. I cant help it when the corners of my mouth form into a huge smile.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much! I will be here tomorrow at 8. Um what should i wear?" I question, the smile glued to my face now.

She excuses herself for a moment for what I assume is to go get a uniform for me, and I heave a sigh of relief, looking around my new job. When my eyes were done making a full circle along with my body, my eyes suddenly met Antonio's. They were deep dark brown, almost matching the color of his jet-black hair. He studied me for a moment, his eyes not wondering from from my face, which makes me have some kind of respect for him.

He looks away when his mother comes into a room, a sky blue material in her hands. She gives me a warm smile and hands me the shirt.

"Wear this with black pants and black shoes. Be here at 8 tomorrow morning! We open at 8:30." She states, and I nod my head "I'll be there"

With that I walk out of the cafe, heading home with a new found peace. I was ready to talk to him now.




i hope u liked this filler, interesting stuff coming in the next few chapters!!

lové you guys! so much!!


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