a letter from us | poem

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Dear media
Dear you and your leather clad chair and your people adorned in white suits and white pants and a white blazer but with a black tie for diversity
To you and your faulty ink
Black ink bleeding through, staining fingers
Doing a great injustice to the real blood that rests upon your tongue
But only laying on the tip of the tongue, where a plethora of words find home.
Edging out the door but never to leave.
To you and your hi-tech microphones
Ah the irony, a microphone to amplify voices
Will not only amplify one voice, but amplify it so that every other voice is silenced
Your same microphone acts as the metal covered hand that covers my mouth and catches our words.
Our words are mynah birds that you cheat
You cheat
You cheat by taking our voices and keeping them in a cage
A cage that you seem to find is rusted and seems unfit for your stark white walls and your sleek black tables
A cage you find is unfit for what you presume, a pristine room
But my, unkind sir.
You are not pristine
This room, is tainted
Stained with blood and lies and the untruth
Stained with green papers and duct tape
Stained with true unspoken words
And tainted with spoken words that remain untrue
Are false facts that you labor so hard to make seem true
Worthy of the ratings that you pride yourself upon?
Are the built up secrets that you tuck away in a triple-lock safe
So unimportant
Simply to cover up your blood stained hands with green and gold?
Is not the wind from this hurricane, seated comfortably in your palm
Not enough?
The innocent would say, "little do you know"
But you, the guilty man
You do know
You know you know
And you don't care that you know
Because with each word dripping from your serpentine tongue
You gain
You perch upon a pearly pedestal,
Staring at the inferno beneath you
Stealing shreds of an image,  and throwing them down,
Increasing the corruption
Feeding the flame
But where there is fire
There is smoke
And smoke will rise
And you will fall to its wispy gray hands
clawing at your throat
And catching your words
Just as you have done
The story ends,
How it starts.
And, I
Refuse to be silenced

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