16 | prose

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16. An age glorified in media, and in culture. Sure, there is certainly some significance in being 16 in the eyes of the law and in terms of restrictions- the ability to drive and the freedom to get a paying job. 

I remember, when I was little, I thought that there was going to be some profound change when I turned 16. That some magic would be sleeping next to the mites on my pillow that would insue some powerful metamorphosis, and that I would wake up new.  However, nothing of the sort happened. Younger me would have been seriously disappointed, but current me really couldn't care less. It's interesting how something that was so important to me when I was younger has such little significance now, and it just made me think of how much I've changed.

There was the good, the bad, and the worse. I'm not happy with who I am now, but I still have time. I definitely think that I am better than who I was. 

I'm still secretly waiting on that profound change.

16, a glorified turning point and an underwhelming event.

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