Chapter 4: Evelyn

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I'm suspicious. Yandere's suspicious. She's too calm, too collected, too..... I don't even know. I came here as an undercover junior investor. Trying to figure out the suspicious death of Valerie Maki. What really caught my attention was the disappearance of her grave, one day it was there and the next, gone. Like it had never existed. The only person who knows I'm here to investigate is Funneh. I had told her, and she had kept it a secret. We arrived outside the office and I knocked on the door. We were called inside and told to sit down. A middle aged woman with ginger hair and dark green eyes, principal Desu, looked at us from across a large wooden desk.
"Well congratulations," Principal Desu smiled "The school board looked back on the simulation recordings and noticed that while in the end, Alec pushed the finishing button, you all worked together to get to the objective. And to reward you for your teamwork, the school board has decided to send you all to Heiress island beach resort!" Everyone cheered and started thanking principal Desu and giving each other high fives, except me. I quietly explained to Principal Desu that I wasn't a student at the school when the simulation was used.
"Well Evelyn," She replied "Your father wanted you to go on the trip with your friends and even promised to cover all the expenses as a reward for letting you go."
I pursed my lips, I wish she hadn't said that last part. I could feel the stunned silence behind me. Great. Only Funneh knew my dad was Cristian Wynd. Owner of Wynd cooperations and many other huge businesses.
"Felicia Wise and Britney Bettathanu's parents also made the same offer so they'll be coming on the trip with you."
Groans rang out from behind me. Apparently nobody in our little friend group liked those girls. I don't blame them, those two are spoiled brats. But now that everyone I know knows I have the same background I'm not sure how they'll treat me.
Principal Desu looked around.
"Where's Funneh and Alec?" She asked.
"They had an accident in gym," I replied quickly, desperate to change the subject. "We took them to sickbay, they'll be fine, just winded is all."
"Well that's good," Principal Desu said, "I'd hate to say they couldn't go because of an injury. Well you should all get packing when you get home, because you leave in a week's time. Your plane tickets will be sent to you in the mail in one to three days time."
Everyone jumped up and down and squealed in excitement, even me this time.

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