Chapter 15: Evelyn

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I didn't talk to Senpai as much as everyone else.
I feel like a total idiot.
During my Christmas party, I had interrogated Senpai as he was a suspect in the murder of a girl who had been stabbed while everyone was dancing.

"Have you noticed that every girl you talk to dies shortly after?!" I had said.
"I had nothing to do with it!" He had yelled, "I would never hurt anyone!"
I stood over him and looked him in the eye, "Oh yeah? What about Valerie? I'm sure you wouldn't hurt her." Everyone watching the interrogation went silent and gave each other glances. Funneh, Gold, Alec, Kyran and Evan gasped in disbelief at my accusation. Senpai looked down so I couldn't see his face. I saw a few tears fall from his eyes.
"No," he said quietly, raising his head "I would never kill Valerie! She was my girlfriend! I loved her!"
Instead of backing off, I simply stood back, crossed my arms and glared at him. "That's what they all say." I spat.
Alec stepped away from the crowd. "That's enough, Evelyn. You've broken him. You can stop now."

I looked at Senpai, he was happily talking to everyone, even me at times.
Why isn't he mad? I thought to myself, why isn't he yelling and glaring at me? What I said was so... I shook my head; I don't even know what to call the things I said.
Bad? No. Not strong enough.
Rude? No. Also not right.
Cruel? Yes. What I said was cruel.
I hate myself.
"Uhh, Evelyn?" He asked, "you okay?"
"Um, yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
I hugged my knees to my chest and looked away from him.
"No you're not. What's wrong?"
Thank goodness it's still ridiculously hot, I thought, I have an excuse to leave.
I stood and walked down the sand dunes towards the ocean.
"You guys wanna join me for a swim?" I asked.
"Okay!" Gold said happily.
"Sure!" Funneh agreed.
"Lets go!" I yelled, happy to have someone to swim with.
Ally swallowed the last bite of her ice cream, stood and dusted off her hands.
"I'm coming too." She said through a full mouth.
We ran down to the sea and almost instantly, Funneh and Gold got distracted by some pretty shells.
They insisted we help pick up the shells and take them back to our bags.
After that was said and done, we left to go back to the ocean.
Ally and I waded through the clear water until we got to the edge of the sand bank, then we launched ourselves off and swam back and forth.
Funneh and Gold decided to stay near the shallows so they can continue looking for shells.
Senpai, Kyran and Evan decided to look with them, leaving Alec, Yandere and Celeste alone.
Brittany and Felicia left to do their own thing a while ago.
We were swimming for quite some time until my left foot and right arm got cramps.
I tried to water tread to keep from going under, but the pain in my foot and arm stopped me from keeping my head above the waves.
Ally saw I was struggling and swam over immediately to help.
She put my left arm over her shoulder and tried to swim towards the beach, but the current was too strong and my added weight made it difficult to do move anywhere.
"HELP!" Ally screamed towards our friends "HELP US-" her head went under and she came back up, coughing up salt water.
Although they were far away, our friends heard us screaming and turned to look in our direction.
We started to sink while trying to keep each other's heads above the water.
We were swimming close to the peer and a strong wave pushed us into a support beam.
The beam had small and sharp barnacles on it and it made shallow cuts along our arms.
Another wave hit us as we were recovering and this time, Ally's head made contact with the beam with enough force to slow her reactions considerably.
I lost my grip  on her and we drifted apart. I tried to swim towards her when her head went under but another wave pushed us apart.
I was exhausted and started to sink myself.
Immediately after going under I was grabbed and brought to the surface.
I coughed up some salt water and looked to who was holding me.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Ally!" I pointed to where I saw her sinking "She went under! You have to help her!"
He let go of me and I clinged to Alec, who had also come to help, as Senpai dove down towards Ally.
After a certain depth, I lost him in the blue.
After a few moments, he burst through the water holding Ally, who was coughing and spluttering.
"Ally!" Alec cried in relief.
He grabbed her and passed me over to Senpai, we all swam back to see the worried faces of our friends.
Funneh and Gold ran towards us and hugged us and gave us towels and asked if we were okay, while everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.
We couldn't move or say anything.
"We should go back to the hotel." Gold said.
We packed up, and walked off.

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