Chapter 19: Celeste

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I was seriously thinking about gagging Evan and Alec.

"Will you shut up?" I asked again as they began to bicker.
I knew it was no use, I had told them to stop several times, but the "relationship goals couple" continued to snap at each other.

I wished so badly for two meat flavoured sacks and a pack of wolves.

"I've had about enough of you, Alec." Evan said, sitting straight in his saddle with his head held high, as if he was some sort of prince.

"ME!?" Alec spluttered "You- you, have been vexing and provoking me!"

Evan's "prince pose" didn't waver the slightest. "I have absolutely no idea what you're rambling about."

I was tempted to put myself in a meat flavoured bag and fall into a pack of wolves if they didn't stop soon.

"If you don't stop bickering," Yandere threatened "I'll kill you and your family."

Alec immediately shut up and when he stopped replying to Evan's torments, Evan stopped talking too.

Alec and I knew full well that Yandere's threats weren't empty, and that she was more than capable of killing them and their families.

An idea came to mind and I rode in close to Yandere to tell her:
"Why don't you offer to kill Evan?" I whispered "instead of threatening him with his sister, offer him a reward."

Yandere sat thoughtfully and looked at me with a small smile.

"I think I'll try that."

And with that we were silent.

"I gotta pee." Evan piped up.

Never mind, we weren't silent.

"Ugh," Yandere rolled her eyes "fine, go."

Evan slipped off Yanky, his horse, and walked quickly into the woods out of sight."

"Hey Kyran?" Yandere called.

Kyran peeled his eyes away from a green and gold macaw in the tree and looked at Yandere.


"Will you ride ahead and look for the others?"

Kyran looked like he was about to protest but Yandere cut him off.

"I'm sure you don't want to listen to anymore bickering from Alec and Evan.

Kyran blinked and looked between Alec, me and Yandere.

"Yeah," he agreed "Okay I'll go."

And with that he trotted off, scanning the his surroundings for any sign of Evelyn, Funneh, Gold or Ally.

After he was out of sight, Yandere whipped her head around and looked at Alec, who had already begun to frown.

"What do you want this time?" He spat.

"Celeste had a brilliant idea that I thought I would share with you." Yandere said with amusement, almost toying with him, like a cat with a canary.

Alec shot me an angry look before looking back at Yandere.

"Oh yeah? What?"

"I've decided to stop threatening your sister."

Alec looked at Yandere as if she had dropped from the moon.

"R-really? You're promising not to hurt her?"

Alec looked like a weight had been lifted of his shoulders.

"Not completely."

The weight appeared to fall right back into him.

"If you don't do as I say, I will kill her. However, if you do say I say until my Senpai is mine, then I'll not only leave her alone, but I'll also get out of her life completely and reward you."

The horse Alec was riding must've sensed his nervousness because it began to get skitterish.

"What do you mean, "reward"." Alec asked.

"I'll even kill Evan for you!" Yandere happily chirped, as if she had announced she had make cookies and not just threatened someone's life.

"W-what! No!"

"Oh come on," Yandere spat "I know you hate him, Hell, you know you hate him. What's the big deal. I thought you'd be happy about it."

"If I wanted him dead I would have told you before now!"

"But you want him away from Funneh, don't you?"

Alec faltered before speaking.

"How do you know that?"

"You talk in your sleep."


Yandere waved aside the question. "Get over yourself, you're not the only one."


I tried to hold back laughter at Alec's reaction, but just as I couldn't hold it any longer, Evan burst into the clearing, looking panicked and out of breath.

"Evan? What happened?" I asked. "Did you see a snake when you were peeing?"

He looked at me and went red.
"What? NO! Of course not. Already peed, then I saw Ally. She told me to find help!"

Alec panicked.
"Find help? What's wrong? Is she hurt? What happened?!"

Evan rested his hands on his knees and gaped for air.
"Ally's fine. It's not her. Funneh and Gold need help. Maybe even medical help. They passed out. And they're not breathing."

________________________ Oh snap!!! Ermergerd! What happened? What will happen next? I feel like a television host. Find out next time!

Peace out my lovelies.

P.S: Sorry for doing that to you.

P.P.S: (no I'm not) 😈😈😈

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