Chapter 14: Gold

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Aloha! Sorry for not posting in awhile, I was on an island as well and I didn't have WIFI to post anything. I had a great time, if anyone cares. Probably not, I don't blame you.... *cough*
Um, can't think of anything else to say so.... Bye!
After an amazing breakfast of pancakes and ice cream, we went down to the beach. The sun was out and we all ran around together laughing and splashing the salt water at each other.
"Hey Funneh!" I yelled, running up to her.
Funneh didn't even have time to respond as I tackled her into the ocean.
Evan and Alec were having a game of "who can drown the other first?" While Ally and Evelyn tossed a frisbee to each other and Yandere and Celeste worked together to build a sandcastle. Kyran was throwing a beach ball to each person.
Alec pushed Evan and he stumbled backwards, crashing and wrecking Yandere and Celeste's sandcastle.
"I'm so sorry!" He yelled, getting out of the sand.
"This means war!" Celeste yelled playfully, standing so she looked menacing to the sitting Evan.
"Does it have to? Can it mean something else?" Evan laughed.
"WAR!" Celeste repeated.
"Okay, okay. But, what is war here?"
Celeste looked around and noticed a volleyball net a few metres away.
"Yandere and I versus you and Alec. First to ten points, whoever wins gets the bathroom first and picks who buys the ice cream after Hula lessons."
I perked up.
"Can we play too?" I asked "same prize if we win?"
Yandere shrugged.
"Woo!" Funneh yelled.
"I'll be ref." Kyran offered.
"Good. So it's settled. Meet us by the net after dance."
We had just enough time to dry off before we left to find to dance classroom.
It took a while but Evelyn got directions to the small hut the lessons were being held.
When we got there Airini welcomed us with a hug and a grass skirt.
"Just tie it around your waist over your clothes." She told us.
Passing Ally, Evan and Kyran a bongo drum, she sent them to another room where another teacher would teach them how to play to the beat of a particular song.
"Bye little sister!" Evelyn laughed as she waved to Ally. Ally laughed and waved back before disappearing behind a curtain with Evan and Kyran.
"She is your little sister?" Airini asked Evelyn.
"Oh no," Evelyn explained "we just have an inside joke going on."
Airini smiled and with that she taught us some dance moves that we would use in the performance.


It was about thirty minutes before Airini escorted us to the door and waved us goodbye.
"Good bye Airini!" Evelyn called over her shoulder as we walked towards the beach.
We met up with Kyran, Evan and Ally at the beach, Ally had already kicked off her shoes and held the volleyball under her right arm.
When she saw Evelyn she laughed and tossed the ball towards her.
Evelyn caught the ball and together they ran onto the same side, ready to play.
"Okay!" Yandere shouted "we're going to have teams of two. Evelyn and Ally verses Alec and Kyran."
Evelyn and Ally grinned and did a few stretches while Alec and Kyran tried to swallow.
I leaned towards Funneh but kept my eyes on the court.
"Isn't Evelyn like, really good at Volleyball?"
"Yes," Funneh answered, also watching the court "And martial arts, swimming, horse back riding, regular arts and maths."
I gave a low whistle. "Damn dawg."
The boys had only been on the court for two minutes before Ally and Evelyn completely destroyed them.
The guys stepped off the court with sand in their hair and clothes.
"Evelyn and Ally win." Celeste declared.
We went back and forth with the matches until the losers were revealed and handed a wad of cash so they could go up to the ice cream store and buy the ice cream.
"I would like a salted caramel!" Evelyn yelled.
"Me too!" Ally hollered.
After getting everyone's cursed orders, Funneh and I begrudgingly marched up the beach toward a small ice cream shop to get the snacks.
"Well," Funneh laughed "we lost so badly!"
We broke into a round of laughter and wiped tears from out eyes.
"You'd have to be really terrible to be worse than Alec and Kyran!" I laughed.
We finally entered the store and looked around.
A few red booths circled little, white tables. A few people sat in the chairs; chatting and eating their sweet, cool treats.
Ice cream flavours sat in different tubs along a long marble table.
A few girls stood behind the ice cream bar in pink and white uniform, a smile on their faces.
We ordered the ice creams and stood to the side waiting as more people came in and out.
We had been standing for a while when another person walked into the shop and ordered a simple vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone.
He turned around and it took a moment before we recognised him.
"Senpai?!" We exclaimed.
"Funneh! Gold!" He hugged each of us before standing back and looking at us.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"We won a trip here, what are you doing here?"
"My parents, sister and I come here every summer. We've been here for a week."
We caught up and chatted until our ice creams were prepared.
"That'll be $40 please." Said the lady with our Ice creams.
We handed her the wad of cash and took our ice creams.
We then realised that we had eleven ice creams and we couldn't carry that many on our own.
"Um, Senpai?" Funneh asked.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"If it's not too much trouble, could you help us with the ice creams?"
We all took two in each hand and carried them down to our friends.
"What took you so long?" Ally said as we made our way towards them.
"Well," I said "we did have to wait for eleven ice creams."
"And," Funneh added "we ran into Senpai!"
Yandere whipped around and stared at him, her mouth open.
"S-S-Senpai," she stammered "W-What are you doing here."
"I'm on holiday." He said happily, passing her her ice cream.
We handed out the ice creams and sat down; eating and chatting.

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