Chapter 16: Kyran

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Holy cow.
Evelyn is nuts.
She and Ally nearly drowned and they still want to do the island activities.
"What the heck?!" I yelled. "You can't be serious?!"
Evelyn looked up at me with absolute seriousness. "I want to go to the zip line with you guys, it'll be fun."
"Me too," Ally chimed in "we're only here for a few weeks and I want to make the most of it."
"Ok." Evan said.
Alec smacked him upside the head, "Dude!"
"Ow! What?! She's right you know, we're only here for a limited amount of time, I think we should try everything."
Gold stood up from her chair.
"I also think Ally and Evelyn have the right idea. We should take a kayak and, well, kayak to the island with the zip line. It's not far."
I backed off. Call me a doormat, sure, but I'll do whatever Gold is doing.
I sighed.
"....Fine. Let's go."
We left the hotel with our V.I.P passes in a plastic zip lock bag.

We took two person kayaks and rowed our way towards the island Evelyn said the zip line course was on.
(Read it slowly and it'll sound less like gibberish and more like a proper sentence.)
Well, everyone else had two person kayaks.
I was in a three person kayak, saddled with the constantly arguing couple that is Alec and Evan.
"Will you shut up?!" Alec said to him.
Evan put down his paddle and pretended to think about Alec's suggestion. Then he turned around to look at Alec and grinned.
"Um, no."
Alec threw a handful of water into the back of Evan's hair.
"Oi!" Evan yelled as he spun around.
He and Alec began a slap fight that closely resembled two seals floundering around, while I tried frantically to keep the kayak from tipping by using an oar to steady us.
We started tipping towards the left and this time, I couldn't steady us.
"No No No No No!" We yelled in unison as we went under.
We slipped out from the kayak and swam to the surface.
We came up and immediately after taking a breath, Alec and Evan resumed their slap fight.
Gold and Funneh slid across the water in their kayak and came to a smooth halt in front of us.
"Having fun there?" Gold laughed.
Funneh smiled and with that, they continued towards the island.

We dragged our kayaks up the beach and ran off to find the zip line. We came to a stop at the end of a long line leading up to the zip course.
"Nuuuuuuuu!" Funneh groaned, "I did not want to wait in a line."
"Me either," Evelyn reasoned, "but you can't expect something like this not to have a wait."
We stood in line when my eyes drifted to the floor, where the path was cut in two with a white line.
No one was standing on the right side of the path.
I looked at the white words on the right side of the path.


I took out my pass and saw that I was a V.I.P guest.
"Hey guys," I turned around to look at my friends "what do your cards say?"
Funneh looked down at her card for a moment before looking up at me.
"It says V.I.P, why?"
"Mine too." Gold said.
"We all have V.I.P cards," Evelyn said matter of factly "my dad wanted us to have the best experience."
"Then why are we waiting in line?" Ally laughed "Let's go!"
We ran up the right side of the path towards the zip line.

We got to the top and were met with a friendly employee that took our cards and studied them before pointing us up another path.
"But sir, the zip line is here." Ally said.
The man looked at her and smiled and Evelyn figured he probably didn't speak much English.
"Akā E Ka haku, ke helu laina he maanei." She said.
"V.I.P hoa hele ma ka okoa helu laina, hookahi e ka oi le'ale'a." He replied.
Evelyn smiled and started towards the path, everyone in tow.
"I didn't know you could speak Hawaiian." Ally said, pulling up beside Evelyn.
"Languages are difficult to learn, but definitely worth the knowledge." She said, staring ahead.

"Well, what did he say?" Ally asked.

"In English? "V.I.P guests go on a different course, one that's more fun in my opinion."."

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