Chapter 24: Alec

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So around 3am, when everyone else was sleeping, my instincts woke me up and I found Yandere sitting on my stomach, one of her hands pinning my arms down by the wrists, the other holding a knife to my throat.

Naturally I freaked out.

Oh God, I thought. She's actually going to kill me.

"I'm not going to kill you." She whispered, as if reading my mind.


Yandere stuffed a piece of fabric in my mouth.

"Quit yelling!" She hissed quietly, looking around to see if I had woken anyone up "You're going to wake everyone up. Now be a good little child and follow me, quietly. Celeste and I need to tell you something."

She slid off my stomach and crept silently towards the door.

I felt that if I wanted to keep my throat in proper working order, and I do, I had no choice but to follow her.

Winding our way through passageways that seemed bright during the day but was now ominous as the moon shone strongly through the windows, I realised I was following Yandere to her room.

I played dumb.

"Where are we going?"

"We need to talk," Yandere spat immediately, not even turning around to face me "and I don't trust talking in a room with others."

She opened the door and stood to the side, making room for me. It took me a while to figure out she was holding the door open for me.

I nervously stepped around Yandere into the room and saw Celeste sitting in the bed, hugging her knees to her chest and looking shell shocked.

A lamp next to her was the only thing illuminating the room, casting our faces in an artificial amber glow.

I tried to swallow my fears and put on a brace face. "Alright, I'm here. What did you two want from me?"

Yandere's face was hard and unreadable. "Tell him what you told me." She said.

Celeste took a shaky breath and began to explain.

Explain something even more nightmarish than the mess I'd gotten myself into.


The next day, everyone was determined to spend at the beach. While everyone splashed around in the crystal clear water, I had time to sit on the white sand beach and process what Celeste told me.

Things, inexplainable things, have been happening, she had said ever since my brother did that thing for Yandere, stuff has been disappearing.

At first, it wasn't a problem, but recently, he's been having dreams. Nightmares mostly, but sometimes someone's leaning over him, telling him to leave them alone.

Yandere, I- I think Valerie might be onto him.

I couldn't shake that conversation from my mind. Valerie's dead.

I shook my head.

That makes it even worse. If one of Yandere's victims is messing with us, whose to say the others won't too?

"Come on Alec!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over to the water.

Funneh and Gold were waving at me, trying to convince me to swim with everyone.

"Yeah Alec!"

I looked over to Evan, who was grinning at me mischievously.

When he was sure I was looking at him, he turned around and promptly mooned me.

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