Chapter 22: Brittany

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As Felicia took her shift I sat up in my sleeping bag and looked at Funneh and Gold.

Unlike most nights here, it's especially dark tonight, and after looking up from my phone, my eyes had to adjust.

After around thirty minutes, my stomach started to growl.

No! I thought to myself. Not again!

I tapped my chin thoughtfully and looked over to the small, grey and empty bag that had held some biscuits for me.

I groaned and reached over to grab the bag.

I look inside to see if maybe I missed a biscuit that I could eat now.

It's still empty.

I tap my chin again and cast my eyes around the room, thinking.

Ugh. It appears my calorie consumption is getting worse. I eat as much as I can and in another hour I'm hungry again! I sigh and look down at my hands. That's why I drink so many mine-bucks. I think to myself, it lasts two seconds before I'm hungry again. How am I not insanely fat by now.

I quietly stand and scan the room; looking for any signs of people. I make my way to the fridge. Maybe I can grab something to eat. I think again, I can't have my stomach rumbling all night. No-one ever hears a lady's stomach rumbling. At least, that what mother told me. "Never go hungry." She used to say.

I smile as I think about my mother. I love her so much, I'm excited to see her again.

As I wrap my hand around the fridge door handle, I get a chill and I go ridged. My hearing kicks into overdrive, my eyes scanning everything, looking for someone or, something nearby.

I know something's wrong. I feel it in the air.

As I listen, I hear someone breathing and my heart all but stops.

I throw open the fridge door, hoping that the light in there will reveal who's close to me.

"Ow!" Felicia yelped, covering her eyes "gurl! It's just me! Why you try to blind me?"

I relaxed and flicked on the light switch, closing the fridge.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, blinking around.

"I could ask the same about you," I said matter of factly "it's my shift. What are you doing up?"

"I was hungry."

Something I could relate to.

"Fine, I'll put on some tea."

As Felicia pulled out a stool and sat down, she snorted.

"Dang Britt," she said to me "ever since getting back from England you've been obsessed with tea."

"It's good," I defend "it's warm and sweet and very big in more countries than just England."

"Oh yeah? Where else?"

I could hear Felicia smiling as if she had won.

"Shows what you know, it's also popular in China and Japan."

"Hmph, fine. When's it done?"

"Now." I said, handing her a mug of tea.

Sipping quietly, a question popped into my head.



"Do you like Funneh and Gold more than me?"

Felicia spat out her tea.

"No! Never! You're my best friend," she was quiet for a while before she realised something, "actually, with the company we keep, whom only hang with us in hopes of getting popular, you're my only real friend."

I smiled and pretended to fan my eyes dramatically. "Oh! That means so much to me! You are also my only true, true, friend!"

Felicia rolled her eyes and snorted. "You're so melodramatic."

"Melodramatic looks good on us." I grinned.

Felicia gave a short, easy laugh. "Whatever."

She finished her tea, took her cup to the sink and went back to the living room.

"It's my shift now," she noted looking at the clock "you should get some sleep."

So I also finished my tea and made my way to the living room, arm in arm with my best friend.


The weeks following was a simple routine of Evelyn waking us up early, forcing breakfast down our throats, doing some death defying stunt, such as swimming with sharks or paragliding, and every three days, meeting Airini in her classroom to learn the dance.

Before we left our final lesson to go down to the beach, Airini stopped us at the door.

"I assume you all remember every step?"

"Yes," Evelyn assured "I don't think we'll be able to forget them."

"We remember everything," Ally said "why do you ask?"

Airini smiled gently and moved over to a cupboard.

"Well," she said, opening the doors "the performance is tomorrow."

Evelyn gasped in excitement and looked over to Ally expectantly.

Ally returned the grin and they jumped up and down in unison.

"What's in the cupboard?" I asked, peering around Airini's shoulder.

"Your outfits."

Airini walked around, passing everyone their outfits gingerly.

"You're allowed to take them with you today. The last dinner before you leave starts at seven, I expect you all to be here by six. Got it?"

Everyone nodded and with some hugs and waving, we left to go back to the hotel, our outfits in hand.

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