Chapter 21: Felicia

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I was just as shocked as everyone else when I found out I cared about Funneh and Gold's condition.

"Brittany," I said "like, what do we do?" We hadn't gone riding with the others, actually, we had ditched them to get ice cream right after the zip line fiasco.

Brittany shrugged and took a sip from her minebucks.

"Like, I don't know."

"Real un-freaking-helpful!"

Brittany looked genuinely hurt that I had said that while we raced around the town trying to find the hotel.

I had gotten a text from Airini that Funneh and Gold had passed out and were without oxygen for a while.

"Excuse me? Sir?" I asked, tapping frantically on a mans shoulder "could you tell us how to get to the-" I looked down at my phone for the name of the hotel. "-Golden Heiress hotel?"

The man gave us a few directions and we thanked him and ran off, repeating his instructions as we ran.

"Left, left, right, forward," Brittany said "left, left, right, forward."

We continued running and sure enough came to the hotel.

Running right in, we passed the lady at the front desk without showing our room key.

"Excuse me, girls," she called "You can't go in without showing me your card!"

Brittany and I ran into the elevator and she punched in our floor.

"It's not a matter of if we're allowed in," I said to the lady "it's a matter of if you're gunna stop us."

And with that the doors closed and we made our way to the top floor.


I literally kicked open the front door before running in.

"Are - they - okay?" Brittany gasped, her hands on her knees.

"Brittany?" Evelyn asked "Felicia? Since when do you guys care about us?"

I waved aside the question.
"It's not important," I said, matter of factly "are they okay or not?"

"They're fine," Evan said calmly "Airini told us we should all get some sleep."

He looked pointedly at Alec, who shook his head.

"Nu-uh," he said "I'm sticking with what I said earlier: "I'm staying awake to watch them." What if they stop breathing again?"

I fought back an "Awwwwww" at Alec's words.

Cute red head is definitely way to adorable to be a normal human guy.

"No," I said.

Everyone looked at me with questioning looks.

"I mean; we shouldn't have ditched you, and from red head's face," I pointed at the tired expression on Alec's face "he'll probably pass out from exhaustion on the spot. We'll watch them."

Brittany choked on the mine-bucks she had gotten from who knows where.

"We will?"

I elbowed her in the stomach.

"We will." I affirmed.

"Nah, don't worry about it," Yandere said calmly, standing up. "I can watch them."

"Fat chance." Alec spat.

"Fine," Yandere shrugged "suit yourselves, I'm going to bed."

And with that she sashayed out of the living room.

"I'm also going to bed," Evan yawned "I need sleep."

He was walking towards his room when Alec muttered:

"Of course you would leave them."

Evan stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to face Alec.

"Excuse me?"

"Of course you would go away now."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you don't care about them at all do you? You just like to mess with me!"

"Oh get over yourself! Yes, I mess with you. Yes, I sometimes use Funneh and Gold to do that. But that doesn't mean I care about them any less than you do!"

Alec stood up and walked over to Evan, who was clenching his fists and beggining to yell.

"Oh please, you pretend to care about them but the moment something happens to them you leave and barely bat an eye at their problem!"

"When will you get it through your thick skull that I care about them as much as everyone else here?!"

"You care? YOU CARE?! You left when you came across them in the forest!"

"I left to get help!"



"SHUT UP!" Ally yelled.

Alec and Evan took a deep breath and silently glared at each other.

"You know what Alec?" Evan said quietly "for someone who claims to care about them more than anyone, you sure do spend a lot of time focusing on one upping me instead of actually focusing on them."

He began to walk back to the room but on the way there he stopped and looked towards the bottom of the door to his room.

"Maybe you just don't want to understand, but I do care about them, both of them. I really do."

And with that he opened his bedroom door and slipped inside.

Alec threw his arms up in the air and looked at Kyran.

"Do you believe that guy? Ugh! He doesn't care, he's being ridiculous."

"No Alec," Kyran stood quietly and also began to walk to his room "If you refuse to see how much Evan cares for everyone here, then you're being ridiculous."

And with that, he went to bed.

Alec was speechless for a moment before sighing loudly and running his hand through his hair.

"Go to bed Alec." Ally instructed "you need to apologise, and then sleep."

Alec looked as if he was about to protest, but Ally held up her hand, and he begrudgingly went to his room.

One by one, everyone but Brittany, Funneh, Gold and I, left the room to go to bed.

So we set up sleeping arrangements, and taking shifts, watched over Funneh and Gold.

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