Chapter 5: Kyran

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I'm trying not to hyperventilate. My younger brother Lucas is staring at me like I'm crazy. I ignore him. I'm going to a beach resort with Gold. Oh yeah, and Funneh, Alec, Ally, Evan, Evelyn, Yandere, Felicia and Brittany. Too many people in my opinion. I can barley keep track. I count on my fingers, nine people.
"Dang," I say to myself while I pack "That's a lot of people, and Evelyn's dad is paying for it all." I shove T-shirts, shorts, toiletries, a camera, a pair of thongs, some board shorts, a hat or two and sunscreen into my suitcase. I learned my lesson this time: remind Funneh to put sunscreen on her face. Just in case I forget, I throw a tube of Aloe Vera oil into the case. That stuff will totally help sunburns. I take a breath, I'm so excited. I close my suitcase and walk downstairs to where dinner is being served. Tacos. Yum. I dish up and begin to eat. I look around at everyone at the table.
"Guess what?" I start.
"What?" Lucas answers, focusing on his dinner.
"The school's sending my friends and I to Heiress Island beach resort!"
Lucas started choking on his taco.
I smacked him on the back until a piece of taco shell propelled itself across the room.
"You're going where?!" Lucas exclaimed.
"Heiress island beach resort." I repeated, a little less sure this time. My mother looked at me. "How much do we need to pay?"
"I'm not sure we have to pay anything, Principal Desu said all expenses were covered, from fruit drinks to the return trip."
Mum didn't look convinced.
"I'll text Gold, get the details." I whipped out my phone and asked Gold about the trip. After getting my reply confirming that the trip was paid for, I told mum.
"Alright," she had said after dinner "go pack."
I had already packed but went up to my room anyway. I laid on my bed, watching the ceiling fan spin. "Gold's going too, isn't she?"
I look up, I see Lucas standing in the door way. I don't reply.
"She is going!"
Lucas has only met Gold once, and after the first glimpse and a quick evaluation, he figured out how much I like her."Wow," he had said the first time he found out she gave me her number, "how'd you accomplish that? I mean, she's so, wow, and you're all, meh."
I looked at Lucas.
"Yeah, she's going. So what?"
Lucas grinned and sat on the end of my bed.
"So, that's why you're turning red."
I sat up immediately.
"W-What?! I am so not turning red! No!"
Lucas gave a short, evil laugh and sauntered out of my room.
Before leaving he stopped in the doorway and looked over his shoulder at me.
"You really are quite red. You need to get over your blushing problem before Gold finally realises you like her."
I threw a pillow at Lucas and he finally left, laughing.
That boy would make a great villain.

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