
7.5K 197 30

Hai everyone!

5,000 reads?!

That is amazing and so much more than I expected, it's crazy!!! (Not that I'm complaining :3)

I love all of you.

Anyways, on with the update!


Kitty :3


Ross P.O.V

"Where is Laura?" I ask aloud.

I've been waiting by her last period class and she hasn't came out.

I pull out my phone and call her.




She won't answer.

Maybe, she is already home?

I sigh, walking slowly out of the school gates and along the sidewalk.

I wonder what happened.

She always waits for me by her last class.

Never, does she not.

Is she okay?

Once I reach my house I see an angry Laura at my porch step.

Nope, definitely NOT okay.

"What's wrong? Why weren't you waiting for me at your class?" I ask, inching closer to Laura.

"What's wrong? Nothing. Just nothing. I find out my boyfriend likes another girl. Oh wait, that's definitely something. That's what's wrong." She fumes.

"What are you talking about?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You know EXACTLY, what I'm talking about! You like Tatum too!" Laura growls.

"What?!" I ask, bewildered by the statement.

"Yeah! She said you hugged her and you always compliment her, and you even asked for her phone number!" She narrows her eyes at me.

"Laura, just because I did those things, dosen't mean I like her. She is just a friend. I've said that for what seems like the 100th time. I. Love. You. Not Tatum."

She folds her arms and stands up, "Oh, just so you know...I invited Tatum and her brother to eat at my place tonight. Wanna join?" She purses her lips.

"Okay, so you and I just had an argument about me likening Tatum, yet you do that? And yes, I'll join." I fold my arms as well.


"Fine." I repeat immediately.

I walk past her into my house as she walks away down the sidewalk to her house.

"What is she up too?" I murmur.

Laura P.O.V

"Okay, thanks mom for letting me plan this while you are at a business meeting tonight." I say while setting the dining table with plates.

"No problem sweetie. Now just remember, nothing will be broken when I come back. Right?" She asks.

"Yes mom."

"Alrighty then. Bye." My mom kisses my cheek as she exits the house.

"Okay, the table is set. The house is cleaned, the chicken is almost ready, and the mashed potatoes are done." I check each task off.

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