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Hey guys!

So, this chapter will be about Romeo and Juliet!

...Played By Laura and Ross!

Also! The song!!! I love it!!!

Hope you guys enjoy!


Laura P.O.V

[The Next Day]

"Yay." I bite my lip, grabbing the Romeo and Juliet script from my teachers hand.

I walk back to my desk and sit down, handing Ross my script.

I knew I shouldn't have signed up for this in the first place.

Now, I got the part as Juliet...and I have HUGE stage fright!

Ross doesn't want to do it.

He really doesn't care for theatre.

He reads through it, "You have to memorize so many lines!"

I nod slowly, "I know. This is going to be so humiliating when I mess up my lines, in front of everyone."

He wraps his arm around me as the teacher hands everything out, then turns on Romeo and Juliet.

We watch the movie halfway, then the bell rings, signaling it was the end of school.

"So, wanna go to the mall right now?" Ross asks as we get up and start to walk to the door.

I shake my head, "I can't. Since I'm in this play, I have to stay after school for a couple hours every day."

Ross groans, "Oh. Well, since you have to be here, I may as well stay with you."

I smile slightly, "Thanks Ross."

Once everyone leaves, My teacher gathers the whole cast and walks us to the MPR.

We walk backstage and the drama teacher explains instructions.

"Okay, so before we can practice lines, our "Romeo" and our "Nurse" should be here shortly. In the meantime, let's go over the cast. Laura, you are playing Juliet. Oliver you will be.. blah blah blah..."

I yawn as she talks, then I hear two sets of footsteps come toward us.

"Ah! There you are! Rocky and Tatum."

I drop my jaw.

Rocky...Rocky is playing as Romeo? Great.

"Sorry we were late, we had to get a pass from our last period teacher." Rocky explains.

I look at Ross and he looks back at me with his jaw dropped as well.

"No worries. Alright, now we can get started."


"Ross, please. Don't go crazy again." I sigh.

"He tried to kiss you, AGAIN!" Ross clenches his fists.

"Ross, have you seen Romeo and Juliet before? In the movie, Romeo and Juliet are Supposed to kiss." I explain.



He sighs, "Great, so I have to watch the love of my life and my brother kiss, again!"

I kiss his cheek, "It will only be once."

He nods.

We intertwine fingers and walk the rest of the way home.

"Hey mom, we're home!" Ross shouts as we enter his house.

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