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Sorry I haven't updated, I had MAJOR writers block.

But I'm back :3

Enjoy ;)


Kitty :3


Ross P.O.V

"Ross, c'mon." Laura tugs on my arm as we walk along the beach.

She points to a cave as I jog with her to it.

"Woah." I drop my jaw in excitement as we look inside.

People have carved their names into the cave walls.

"I should do one." I declare, searching for a sharp rock.

"Me too!" Laura chimes.

I find a slightly muddy patch on the wall and carve, 'Ross + Laura' "Hey Laur, look."

I show her what I carved and she smiles brightly.

"That's so sweet Ross!" Laura giggles, inching towards me and pecking my lips.

I cup her cheeks and press my lips back onto hers.

She wraps her arms around my neck as I wrap mine around her waist.

I Then feel someone tapping my shoulder.

I turn around to see a stranger, "Um, sorry to interrupt you, but my family and I want to have a turn to carve into the wall so..." the man scratches his neck.

"Oh sorry, we'll get going." I laugh nervously as Laura and I exit the cave.

"Well, that was kind of embarrassing." Laura blushes.

"I know." I hang my head, chuckling lightly.

"Let's go home." I scoop Laura up and carry her to the car.

I open the door for her and she gets in.

I get in as well and start the engine.

"How are you enjoying our day out together?" I suspire.

She turns her head and smiles sweetly, "This is amazing! I had so much fun at the aquarium, Carrows was delicious, and the beach was romantic. I love you."

"I love you more." I reply.

I get into gear and drive off.

"Where to next?" Laura asks.

"Well, I was thinking we could-"

"WATCH OUT!" Laura screams.

I widen my eyes as I see a car charging towards us 'till-


I slowly open my eyes and groan at my pain.

I look around to find myself in my room, Laura sitting next to me.

"Laura!" I pull her and kiss her.

She hesitates, but proceeds.

I pull back, "Are you okay?"

She then smiles widely, "Yes, I'm fine."



[3 Days Later]

"Okay, Laura, what did you want to tell me?" I ask.

Laura twitches once I say her name.

"Look, this isn't easy for me to say...but I have a secret. And secrets are told at some point right? So, I want to tell you now." She explains.

"What secret?" I press.

"That Laura isn't what she seems." Riker steps from behind her.

I widen my eyes, pulling Laura to my side.

She then pushes my arm off and stands next to Riker.

I look at her with a perplexed look on my face.

"I'm sorry, Ross." Laura bites her lip.

"I don't understand."

"Ross, Laura has something to tell you. Go on, tell him." Riker urges.

She nods, "Okay Ross, remember the crash 3 days ago?"

I nod.

"Well...I may as well show you."

She slowly raises her hand and grabs a hold of her hair.

She pulls it off, revealing a different girl...Wait, "You are Vanessa! Laura's sister! But wait, if you are here...then where is Laura?"

"Laura..........died 3 days ago. Heart failure. We figured that, if I say that I was Laura, you wouldn't o crazy."

I Then lose it, "Dead? You guys are joking, right?!" I hyperventilate.

They both shake their head.

"No, Laura can't be dead..."

I Then black out.


Ooooooo snap!

Hope you enjoyed,

Stay awesome, love you,


Kitty :3

Changed // Rauraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें