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So, how was the last chapter? ;3

Hope You Enjoy

Anyways, onward with the chapter!

~Kitty :3


Ross P.O.V

"Ross...Ross wake up." I hear a voice call.

I open my eyes slowly to see Laura smiling at me.


"Laura! You're okay!" I exclaim, pulling her into an embrace and kissing her lips.

"I know! The doctors said I went to sleep and then BAM! Woke back up."

"I'm so happy you're alive. Vanessa said you died due to heart failure. But, she was wrong." I simper.

Laura nods, "Hey, let's go out shopping." she says quickly.

"Um, sure." I raise an eyebrow.


"Oh, look!" Laura points to an empty store.

"What? I don't see anything." I squint, trying to find what Laura sees in the darkness.

She pulls my arm, running inside the shop.

"Hello?" I call.

Laura's hand suddenly releases from my grip.

"Laura?" I panic, looking franticly around me.

No response.

Suddenly, the lights turn on and i see Riker with Laura.

She looks at me with sadness.

"Whats going on?" I ask.

Before i can say another word, Riker stabs me.


"ROSS!" I hear someone scream into my face.

Startled, I lurch upward, hitting Rydel's head with mine.

"Ow!" I wince.

"What the heck, Ross? You were moving in your sleep. What happened in your dream?" Rydel raises an eyebrow.


....I was only, DREAMING?!

"I was asleep?! So, that means...Laura really, truly, IS dead." I frown, tears forming.

"WHAT?! LAURA IS DEAD?!" Rydel gasps loudly.

I nod.

"But, how?" Rydel asks, tears pouring from her eyes.

"Heart failure. Wait, how do you not know about this? Didn't a hospital call mom or dad?"

Rydel shakes her head, "No, we never got a call. All that happened was Vanessa dropped you off saying you fell asleep because you exercised too much."

"That isn't what happened. I passed out once Vanessa confessed she wasn't Laura. She lied to you? Something is going on." I rest my chin on my palm.

"Wow, this is so much to process. So, Vanessa pretended to be Laura? I never got to say goodbye to Laura."

I snap my fingers, "My dream, in my dream Laura was with Riker. Maybe, just maybe, Laura isn't dead. She was taken by Riker. But how? And if Laura was with Riker, I won't be able to find her because I don't know where she is."

Changed // Rauraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें