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Hello my little pancakes!

Wow, dat last chapter though...

Just for future refrence, I'm sorry.


Well, you'll see. ;3

Here, I baked you some cookies so you won't hate me as much after you read this chapter.

*Hands you two cookies*


Kitty :3


Maia P.O.V

"But, Riker, I thought you put that pregnancy test in Laura's purse." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"No, I didn't. But, if you didn't then who did-"

"I did." A voice says from behind.

I turn around and gasp, "It was you? R..."

Ross P.O.V

(A Few Days Later)

"Ross, I don't know. Laura isn't a deceitful type of person." My mom sighs.

I shake my head, "Yes she is! I saw the test myself! I bet she was going to tell me and just in case I didn't believe her, she would bring the test."

"This just doesn't add up. But, I'm sorry. Give me a hug."

My mom pulls me into an embrace, squeezing me tightly.

I hug her back, sighing very loudly.

Then there is a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Rocky enters the room, biting his lip and staring at the floor.

"What is it Rocky?" My mom asks.

"Uh...you know what, never mind."

He turns around and walks out of the room.

I squint my eyes, "Mom, i'll be right back."

I follow Rocky out of the room and he walks into his room.

"Rocky, what were you going to say?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Um, pfft what? Oh nothing." Rocky laughs nervously.

"Rocky, both you and i know you can't lie good. Now, what were you going to say?" I press.

"It's about Laura..."

"What about her?"

"Ross, she isn't pregnant. I put that fake pregnancy test in her purse just so you would break up with her. I'm really sorry."


"Ross, I'm so sorry. I was only thinking about myself. No matter how bad i want her to be mine, she's your's and i should have respected that." Rocky hangs his head in shame.

I release him and gowl, "Damn it! She probably hates me now."

I rush out of his room and make my way to Laura's house.


I knock on Laura's door, anxiously waiting with a boquet of flowers.

No one answers.

I decide to call Laura's cell phone.

Hey, it's worth a shot.

...No answer.

Slowly getting disapointed, i dial Laura's mother's phone.


I smile, "Mrs. Marano! I have been trying to get in contact with Laura. I want to make things right and get my girlfriend back."

I hear her sniffle, "Ross, i need to explain something to you. Meet me at the Kaiser Permanate hospital, please."

"What happened?" I question, my heart beating faster.

"Please, just come. Tell your family as well." She sobs.

"Alright, bye Mrs. Marano."

I hang up the phone and get back into my car, driving back to my house.


"Ross, hurry up!" Rydel yells into my ear.

"I'm going as fast as i can!" I yell back.

I park in the parking lot of the hospital and get out, followed by my family.

"Marano?" I say quickly.

The front desk woman points down the hall, "Room 6B"


We walk inside room 6B and i see Laura siting on the hospital bed.

"Laura!" I sigh in relief.

Laura looks at me, with a scared expression on her face.

As i'm about to hug her, Mrs. Marano stops me with her arm.

"Ross, i need to talk to you outside. As well as your family."

I nod and we step out of the room.

"This is so hard to even talk about. My poor baby Laura. Okay, 2 days ago, we got into a car crash-"

"WHAT?!" I ask surprised.

"Ross, don't be rude let her finish." My mom scolds.

"Sorry, continue."

"I had no injuries. And neither did Laura. Except, Laura..." Mrs. Marano then starts to sob uncontrollably.

My parents comfort her, telling her to be calm and take her time.

"W-what happened to Laura?" I ask, licking my lips.

"Ross, why don't you go and see for yourself. I just can't speak about it right now." Mrs. Marano commands.

I nod, walking back into Laura's room.

"Laura?" I ask.


"What happened to you? Your mom was too sad to tell me."

"I'm not quite sure what your talking about." Laura laughs awkwardly.

"Laura'slosthermemory." I hear my mom blurt as she enters the room.

"What? Say that again?" I ask, leaning in closer to hear.

"Laura's...lost her memory, Ross. She dosen't remember me, she dosen't remember her mom...and most importanty, she dosen't remember you."

Everything runs in slow motion after that.

I fall to floor and hug my knees, crying.

My mom comforts me and I throw the boquet of flowers to the side.

I dumped Laura.

But now, i lost her,

For good.

No more kisses, no more romantic things.

She dosen't remeber anything.

And now i won't get any of that back again.


I brought you some milk too.

*chuckles nervously*

So, comment below on what you thought of this chapter and what you think will happen next.

I love you!

...Do you love me too? XD

Anyways, stay awesome,


Kitty :3

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