Chapter 1:

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I hussled down the stairs.

"Running a little late?" My mom asked as I came into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes.

"Just a little." I looked at the clock again, 7:35. I was probably going to be late for first period. First bell had already rang.

"The Horan's are coming over for dinner tonight?" I looked at her.

"The Horan's?" I knew my moms friend, Maura Horan. But I knew her husband died.

"Yeah. Maura and her son."

"Her son?"

"Niall? I never told you about him?"


"He's your age. He's starting at your school tomorrow. With his band." It clicked.

"Wait. Isn't he in that band? One something? One direction is it?" I asked, genuinely impressed with myself for remembering the name.

"Yeah. They're coming over at 5. Please be home by 4:30." I nodded and pulled my shoes over my feet. I zipped up my Victoria's Secret Hoodie and opened the door.

"Bye. Love you."

"Love you." I left the house and headed to school.


"get this!" I said to my best friends, Erin and Jess. "My moms friend, Maura, her son. Is Niall Horan. From that band!" I said to them proudly. They smiled shyly.

"You didn't know that?" Erin said, smirking at me.

"You knew?!"

"Yeah. But we figured he was never home so you didn't know him."

"He's coming to this school. Starting tomorrow with the band."

"WHAT?!" I smiled.

"Yeah. And he's coming to my house tonight for dinner." They looked at me.

"No fucking fair. You didn't even know." They said.

"Yeah. Whatever I guess." I checked my phone to see the time. 4:17. "I should probably get home. I'm supposed to be there by 4:30." I gave them both hugs.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." They nodded and I got in my car. I turned it on and turned the radio down.

Ten minutes later I arrived home.

"Honey. I want you to change please." My mom said as she stared down my yoga pants and hoodie.

"I figured you did.." I said, heading up the stairs to my room to change. I changed into a pair of jeans and a cream sweater with beading on the colar. I brushed my hair out of the ponytail it was in and re-applied my makeup. I wanted to look slightly decent. I headed back downstairs just as the Horans had arrived.

"Ah. Niall, this is my daughter, Hanna. She goes to Richmond also." I smiled at the guy I assumed was Niall. He shyly smiled back.

"Oh don't be shy Niall you're not like that." His mom said, he blushed a little. I knew how he felt. After my dad died my mom and I were invited to endless amounts of dinners. Being a kid at someone else's house was awkward. Of course that was 8 years ago..

My mom and Maura sat in the kitchen and shooed us away to the basement. He followed me down the stairs and sat on the couch.

"Sorry. My mom is so awkward sometimes, she can't help it I guess." I smiled,

"Don't worry about it. Mine too."

"This is just kind of weird for me. I haven't been to someone's house for dinner since my dad died and- I don't know sorry. I'm talking too much." He said.

"No. Haha it's fine. Same here. I know how uncomfortable it can be."

"I'm not usually like this I promise." I just smiled back at him.

"So you're in that band right?" I asked. He looked at me, slightly shocked.

"Don't pretend you're not a fangirl." He smiled.

"I'm not. Honest to god. I barely even knew your bands name. I didn't even know you were related to Maura." He smiled.


"Yes I promise."

"Then yes, I'm in 'that band'" he supplied air quotes when he said the words "that band."

"So all of the members of 'that band'" I did the air quotes too. "Are living in your moms house?" He laughed.

"No. Of course not. We have an apartment a few blocks away from here." I nodded.

"That makes much more sense."

"So your mom and mine are pretty good friends?" He asked me.

"Definitely. Your mom comes over here like 6 days a week." He chuckled.

"Really?" I smiled and nodded.

"She's crazy."

"Eh. She's nice." He smiled.

"Got that right.." He looked at the floor.

"You're pretty cute. You know that?" I asked. He looked at me, blushed and smiled.

"You're pretty cute too."

"How old are you again?" He asked me.

"17. I'm turning 18 in a few months."

"Me too. So you're a senior?"

"Uh no. I'm a junior. I turn 18 in July."

"Oh. Duh. Right, right." I smiled at him. His phone rang, he took it out of his pocket and looked at the contact.

"I'll be right back. Sorry." I shrugged and took out my own phone. I heard him talking in the hallway.

"I'm kind of busy Zayn, what?" Pause, pause. "No I don't know where the spaghetti is. Ask Harry." Pause. "Zayn. Stop blabbing and tell me what you need?" Pause. "Goodbye Zayn." I chuckled a little as he sat back down, a little closer this time.

"Just so you know, I'm 96.7 percent positive we're not going to be eating dinner tonight. At least not here. I was planning on leaving to get food at around 6:30 if you want to come?" I said, not really expecting him to accept.

"That sounds great."

Then he kissed me. Harder and harder until he was on top of me. He rolled so that I was on top of him. His tongue entered my mouth and his hand slid under my shirt. I started to question this kid.

"Just tell me when you want to stop." He whispered in between kissing me again. His hand slid up my stomach. I guess I could let him have a little fun with this. He slid his hand under my bra. He grasped my breasts lightly and continued to make out with me. Suddenly there were voices.

"I see you two like each other a little but more than we anticipated." His hand slid out from under my shirt and I sat up quickly. I looked over at my mom, who was smirking. "Stay safe children." Then she headed up the stairs.

"She didn't even say anything?" Niall said. I smiled.

"She's pretty cool.." I said. Of course my mom hated the fact that I'd had sex before. But honestly I only had sex with people I'd dated for a long time. And she knew that. I was trustworthy. He leaned in and kissed me again, pushing me down so I was on my back. I ran my fingers through his hair. Then it ended.

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