Chapter 6:

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Niall's POV:

When I checked my phone after the premiere, I had a text from Hanna.


From: Hanna

Hey. Just got home. I'll call you tomorrow. I'm really tired. Love you! Night!!:)

Wait. She wasn't supposed to be home until Friday? I still had to wait two days and she was home now? The text was sent at 10:47 pm. It was now midnight so I knew she'd be sleeping. I guess I'd just have to wait till Friday to see her.

Hanna's POV:


I sat at the airport quietly, scrolling through twitter on my phone, with sunglasses on, trying to disguise from media.

"Hanna?" I heard someone whisper. I looked up, Niall.

"OMIGOSH hi." I jumped into his arms and gave him the biggest hug.

"I missed you so much." He said, holding me tighter.

"I missed you too." He set me down and kissed me.

"I love you." He said softly into my ear, laughing a little. I smiled.

"I love you too."

He grinned. "Happy Birthday." He pecked my cheek and we walked to the car together, the paps following us. We got in the car and headed to my house.

The car ride was mostly silent, surprisingly. It wasn't awkward at all though. Just quiet.

We pulled into my drive way and went inside. My mom was in the living room with Eric.

"Oh! Niall! Can I talk to you? Now." I looked at Niall. He looked at me.

"Uh. Yeah sure."

"I'll be upstairs." I told him, heading up the stairs.

Niall's POV:

"Niall. You know that I know about everything you're doing to her right?" She said. I nodded. I felt really bad now. I had totally forgotten.

"You better tell her. Or I'm going to tell her for you. Got it?" I nodded.

"You know that it's all not true, right Mrs.Tamson?"

"Well nobody's seems to have gotten that through their heads so it seems as if it's true. So you better explain. K?" I nodded.

"I will. Don't worry about it. I would never want to hurt her like that." She smiled.

"Good." I nodded one more time and went upstairs. Hanna was sitting on her phone.

"Hanna?" She looked up.

"That's my name."

"I need to tell you something, really important."

"Okay..." She replied hesitantly.

I told her everything about Julie. About how she was a distant relative and had come to town for a few weeks. How I wouldn't ever date her and how she was really annoying. How is told media dozens of times she was related but they ignored it. I was surprised she hadn't figured it out. She just nodded the whole time.

"Please don't be mad at me. I would never cheat on you. Please Hanna." She just kind of smiled lightly and shrugged. "Hanna I'm sorry."

"I'm just disappointed that you didn't tell me before."

"When was I supposed to tell you?"

"Niall this went on for weeks. You talked to me on the phone at least once a week. You could've told me."

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