Chapter 14:

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Niall's POV:

Next day:

I pulled into the driveway of the large house Hanna lived in. There were two cars in the driveway and the lights were on in the living room. I knocked on the door. A girl who seemed a little older than me opened the door.


"Uh. I'm Niall. Is Hanna here?"

"I know who you are! I'm not stupid. I'm Katherine, Hanna's sister. And no, She's at school still." That's when I saw the resemblance between her and Hanna and why she looked familiar.

"Oh. Right. Can you just-" I heard Jason interrupt me.

"She'll be home in a few minutes. You can wait here." I nodded and went inside the house. "Does she know you're coming?" Jason asked me as I took off my shoes.

"Uh no. I figured if I told her then Connor would come or get pissed or something." Jason smiled.

"Connor comes home with her everyday. So he'll be here." I groaned. I was actually pretty comfortable with Jason. I had spent a lot of time with him during the funeral week. "Don't worry, Hanna will probably make him leave."


"Duh Niall she misses you a lot. Everytime I call her all she talks about is you." Katherine said. I smiled.

"I'll be upstairs?"

"Alright. I'll make Connor leave and tell her to go upstairs."

"Wait. Isn't she going to be excited to see Katherine?" I asked, looking at them both.

"No. I've been here since last Friday." I walked up the stairs, I heard his loud voice talk to Katherine. As I walked into her room I heard the door open. It was different from the last time I was in it. The walls were a lighter blue than before. It was clean and neat. The pictures that were stacked on a table were now taped to a wall, covering it from floor to ceiling. I walked over to it. It was mostly pictures of her and friends at parties and school. There were a few of us together, but they looked like they were recently taped. I heard voices in the hallway, and the sound of crutches. Hanna. And Connor. She walked closer to the door. I could her what she was saying.

"But he's totally cheating on her? Does she even know that? Connor?! Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes I am. Luke is a total dushe Niall is great blah blah blah. You tell me the same thing everyday Han." How dare he call her Han. That was my thing. It was clarified.

"Don't call me that." She snapped. That's my girl. I heard her come into the room. I turned around. "Niall!?!?!!"

"Hanna shut up about Niall. Please. I ge-" she moved towards me, tears rolling down her face, I walked towards her, laughing at her crippleness. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up, I heard her crutch hit the ground. She cried for a few minutes with her legs wrapped around me as I sat on her bed and stroked her hair. Connor was standing by the door awkwardly on his phone.

"HANNA." Someone who sounded like Melany yelled from downstairs. She laughed and pulled away.

"Can you hand me that?" She asked, pointing to the crutch lying on the floor. I chuckled and handed it to her.

"I'll be right back." She spoke softly, wiping her tears. I shook my head at her as she left the room. Connor watched her walk down the hall and walked towards me.

"You think you can just come in here and take over? You think she's just going to fall for your whole scheme?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

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