Chapter 4:

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"Hanna." I looked at my mom as I walked up the stairs.

"I told you about the guy I met, Eric, correct?" I nodded.

"Well he's coming over for dinner on Monday. So I'll need you to be home."

"But Niall comes over on Mondays.." I said, confused.

"I know but. Not this week. Please honey."

"Mom. Why not? It's our thing. Why can't they both come?" I argued.

"Okay I'll talk to him. Also, your and Niall's little Target episode was very inappropriate." I giggled a little as she gave me the death stare and I went upstairs.

I did a little bit of homework before getting ready to watch the interview. I headed downstairs and made myself a bowl of ice cream, then headed back to my room and turned on the tv.

It started just as I sat down. The boys were all sitting on a couch and the interviewer sat on a separate chair.

She introduced them, then started with the questions.

"So. Your next tour, Who We Are, (A/N: I know I know. It's a fictional tour that they go on. I made it up.) it's coming up when exactly?" She asked.

"Four months." Harry said. Not until then did I realize. Niall was leaving to go on tour in August. I kept watching the interview, I could tell the boys were all waiting for the question about me. Finally, it came.

"So Niall. You've got yourself a new girlfriend yes?" Niall nodded and smiled.


"So. This girl, you guys have been in a few pictures together but weren't really officially dating till yesterday correct?" Niall shook his head.

"We've been dating for a little over a month. Only our family knows. And school but they were all sworn to secrecy."

"You have been dating for a month?" The interviewer asked. He nodded. "How did you have non-public dates?"

"We didn't. We just hang out at each other's houses a lot."

"So I assume there's a lot of..." She raised her eyebrows and all the boys laughed.

"No no no no." She looked at him skeptically.

"Hanna is very pure." Louis said. Niall looked at him pathetically.

"She is not!" Harry said.

"No where near pure, Louis." He shrugged.

"So her name is Hanna?" The woman asked.

"Hanna Tamson, yes." Niall told her. I know at that moment, that my life. Would never be the same.

"Hanna Tamson. And how did you two meet?"

"Our moms are great friends." She nodded.

A few minutes later the interview was over. Immediately I got a text from Niall.

To: Hanna

From: Niall

Hey Han. Harry and Kendall are going to the movies tonight. They invited us. Want to go or no?

To: Niall

From: Hanna

Idk. I have a lot of homework. I'll go as long as you promise to help me with it?

To: Hanna

From: Niall

If you insist, tomorrow though. We'll pick you up at 6. Love you.

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