Chapter 10:

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I woke up to the screeching of my alarm clock at 6am. I slammed my hand to the off button and took a deep breath. I sat up slowly and looked at my rugged face in the mirror. I had stayed at the barn until 11:30 last night. I didn't realize how much I missed riding.. I got up and got in the shower, letting the hot water pound on my sore muscles. When I got out I brushed my hair and put it into a long side braid. My hair was long and it almost reached my belly button in a braid. I wiped on some eyeliner and mascara and changed out of my sweats into a pair of capris and a light pink sweater. I unplugged my phone, picked up my backpack and headed downstairs. Jason was sitting at the table with coffee.

"Morning sister." He said.

"Morning." I poured myself a cup of his coffee, added ice and caramel, and picked up a muffin. I sat down across from him.

"You nervous yet?" He asked. I shrugged.


"How late did you stay up last night? You look tired."

"I came home from the barn at like 11:30 so I probably went to bed at midnight or 1ish."

"Hanna! That's like 5 hours of sleep! Seriously you have to start sleeping." He warned.

"I hate sleep. I wouldn't sleep if I didn't have to."

"You do have to. It's a part of life. Sleep, breathe, eat. Got it? I want you back here from the barn By 10. Okay?" I chuckled a little.

"I'm 18 Jason I can take care of-"

"Yourself? Well listen I'm a police officer and I hear that all the time from kids in jail. So let's do the right thing and just stick to the rule alright? You can't function on 5 hours of sleep Hanna. It won't work."

"I've been doing it since dad died Jason. I'm perfectly fine."

"You're not perfectly fine! This is why you have all these anxiety and depression problems!"

"That's not my fault Jason."

"Maybe if you got more sleep you wouldn't have these issues."

"What do you want me to do? Because apparently you control me now."

"Hanna! This is my house. Letting you stay here is out of the kindness of my heart. My house, my rules. Got it?"

"No! I'm 18 Jason! I don't need you telling me how much sleep to get and how it's going to stop all my problems. I moved here to get away from the pressure but maybe it's not even going to be any different. Whatever Jason." I stood up.

"Bye. Have a great day." I said sarcastically as I closed the door behind me. I got into my car (shipped all the way from Maine) and drove to the high school. I pushed open the door that said senior entrance and saw kids clustered in sections in a room I assumed was the senior lounge.

"Hey! There's the new girl!" I heard someone say. I put a confused look on my face as two guys walked towards me.

"I'm Connor. This is Keegan. How can we help you?" One of them said.

"Uh. Can you tell me where the main office is?" 'Connor' grinned.

"Sure. Down that hallway and first door. I can walk you there." He said.

"No, it's-"

"Really, it's no problem." He assured me. I followed him uncomfortably down the hall until he stopped at a door.

"Right here." He opened the door and let me in.

"Um. Thanks." He winked.

"No problem." Then walked away. I rolled my eyes and went to the secretary.

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