Chapter 21:

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Hanna's POV-

"Hanna. I have loved you since the day I met you. And I will always love you. Forever. Will you marry me?" He was now on one knee holding a ring. I felt tears sting my eyes.

"Yes. Yes a thousand times yes." The other people in the restaurant clapped and cheered. I was smiling huge, Niall wiped away my tears and put the ring on my finger. Then we kissed. I was so happy.

"I love you Hanna." I giggled.

"I love you too. So much." Then we left the restaurant.

Niall held my hand the whole drive back to his hotel, I couldn't stop smiling. I was finally Niall's.

We walked into the hotel room. Everyone was grinning.

"Look at this lovely couple. Straight from engagement." Louis narrated, clapping his hands. Everyone laughed and we sat down on the couch with everyone else.

"So how was dinner? Other than the obvious." Harry asked. Niall shrugged.

"Good. I couldn't really taste it I was so nervous." I laughed.

"why you thought I would say no?" He shrugged.

"I don't know. You try proposing to someone it's terrifying." I took off my ring and got on one knee in front of him.

"Niall. Oh my dear dear niall. Will you marry me?" I said dramatically. He rolled his eyes and poked my cheek.

"No." I gave him a sad face and sat next to him again, sliding the ring back on my finger and kissing him on the cheek.

Everyone laughed as he rejected me. He continued to look straight forward.

"I'm going to bed. I'm actually really tired." He got up and went into his room. I looked at the boys.

"It's 812..." Harry said.

"Yeah and I thought we were going out..." Zayn added.

"I think he's mad at me. I'll go talk to him." I opened his door slowly, he was sitting on his bed on his phone.

"Ni?" He looked up at me and said nothing. "Ni please. I'm sorry. I was just joking around. I didn't mean to be mean. Please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad at you. Just upset is all. You made it seem like this was all a big joke to you. Do you know how much
Thought I put into this?" I shook my head, no. "I've been thinking about this since you told me I could propose to you on your 21st birthday. Which was 3 years ago." I had completely forgotten. "And then here you are making it all look like a joke." His eyes were glossy and his voice was getting quieter.

"Ni." I sat next to him. "Come on. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I was just messing around. Trying to be funny. And it wasn't. Okay? Lets now let this ruin our night. We're supposed to be happy! Come on." I dragged him up and gave him a hug, he held me back.

Niall's POV-

Her hug felt different. Weak. Small. But maybe I was just forgetting. She kissed me on the cheek and we left the house with the boys.


She took of her dress and laid in bed next to me. I pulled her to me as close as I could. She felt different. Less like the Hanna I knew and loved. Her skin felt cold, as she now always was. She dug into me more.

"I'm going to go put clothes on if you don't stop feeling me up awkwardly." She said, smiling. I gave her a small smile and she moved closer to me, shivering a little.

"You feel different."

"Different?" She asked.

"Yeah. Like more bony or something." A wave of something I couldn't place went over her face. "Stand up." She looked at me weird.


"Hanna. I'm serious. Are you okay? Dying or something?" Ever since the second I saw her again something looked different. But I couldn't place it. Now I knew.

"I'm not dying Niall." She pushed away from me and got up, going to put clothes on. I turned the lamp on in order to look at her. She shot me a dirty look. There were bone indents and I could see her ribs. Fuck.

"Hanna Tamson you better tell me what the fuck is going on right now." She just looked at me, like a deer caught in headlights. She said nothing. "Hanna." Then she was crying and I was holding her tight.

"Tell me what's going on. Please." She tried to collect herself a little.

"I just. No. Nothing."


"I saw all these pictures of you with models and I was afraid you would leave me for-"

"Woah woah woah woah. Are you joking?" I stopped her. She just looked at me.

"You've got to be kidding. I would never. Ever leave you. Especially for some model? Hanna I love you just the way you are. If you looked like them it would be weird. Okay? I love you Hanna. So much. When I come back in two weeks you better be better ok? Or im going to send you somewhere. K?" She nodded, wiping her tears and holding me tightly.

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