Chapter 19:

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Niall's POV:

I felt terrible for Hanna. Practically her whole family was gone. But she seemed more upset about this than usual. When her mom died, she was shock for a while, but then she cried for a few days and then she seemed almost fine again. She was strong.

But now, she was just kind of.. Sad. Marge was in the seat next to her, sleeping. She was in the middle.

"Han?" She pulled out her headphone and looked at me.


"Are you alright?" She shrugged and faked a smile. She went to put her headphone back in but I pushed her hand down. "Hey. What's wrong? Other than the obvious?" I asked her, tilting her chin towards me.

She sighed. "I guess I just can't help but feel like this is my fault."

"What? How?!"

"If I had told them I made plans with you and I couldn't take Marge then they wouldn't have gone and they'd still be here. Alive. In their house. In my house." I gave her the best hug I could through the plane seat.

"This isn't your fault, Han. I promise, okay?" She shrugged but I knew she didn't believe me.

"You can say it all you want but that doesn't make me feel any better." I kissed her forehead.

"I love you Hanna." She just smiled softly and moved closer to me. I leaned into her. "One day this'll all be over and we'll live in a nice big house wherever you want. Just me and you." I kissed her cheek.

"And Marge." She said, quiet.

"And Marge." I whispered back.


The goodbye with Marge had been hard. For both of us. But Hanna seemed somewhat better and a tad bit less stressed. We were back in LA in a hotel room. We had cut the vacation short and went to LA for some interviews.

It was 11am, but I promised her we could stay in bed all day. She was just starting to wake up.

"Hi babe." She rubbed her eyes and smiled.

"Hi." She rolled onto her back and sighed.

"What time is it?"

"Eleven." She sighed again and wrapped her arm around me. She laid her head on my shoulder.

"Can we just. Talk? I feel like everytime I see you we never talk. I feel like I barely even know you anymore." I kissed her head.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I think we should make some plans.." She said.

"Plans for what?"

"Our future. I'm starting to realize we have none." I chuckled softly, then agreed.

"Well. What are you going to do with you house? And the barn?" I asked, assuming they were left to her.

"I'll probably sell the house.. The barn goes to one of the assistants. Not me."

"You don't want to keep it? Live there?" I asked.

"I grew up in that house. With people who are dead. I'm selling it." I nodded.

"Okay. Hanna. Are you sure about this whole Marge thing? I mean... I'm sure Katherine would love to have her. And this way she doesn't have to move when she's 7 or 9.

"Niall has it ever crossed your mind that maybe I just want to have one part of my family with me? That I just. Just want to have someone that's blood related that I'm close with. Has that ever crossed your mind?" A tear dripped onto my shoulder.

"No. Hanna don't cry. Please. I'm sorry. No, I haven't ever thought about that. Please stop crying." She sniffed a few times and settled down.

"If that's what you want, then it's fine with me." I smiled.

"No. If you're not okay with it then, then I won't."

"Hanna it's not that it's just I feel like we'll be missing out on so much. After college, and you'll have a 7 year old child. Don't you just want to live a little?" I asked. She shrugged.

"I guess..."

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tight.

"I love you soooooooooooo much." I told her, grinning and kissing her head.

"So when are you finally gonna let me marry you? Just so, you know. I'm prepared..." She giggled her cute hanna laugh.

"I don't know, Ni. Not now!"

"No, of course not. But how long are you gonna make me wait? Because times a tickin babe." She whole-heartedly laughed now.

"I don't know. Surprise me."

"No. Hanna I'm serious. Trust me I've asked the guys dozens of times. They all told me not to ask you. But. I just don't want to wait Han. I know that you're 18 but frankly I don't really care and if you would let me if marry you right now."

"Whenever I want?" She asked.

"Whenever you want."

"How about... Anytime after I turn 21. Because legally I can't even drink yet and what's a wedding without alcohol?" I smiled and kissed her.

"That's a long time." She rolled her eyes.

"Okay so where do you want to live?" I asked her.

"This is a stupid question. We have to live in either New York or LA. That's our only options and you know it." I smiled.

"So what are your plans before college?" I asked, getting serious.

"Well I'm thinking I'm just gonna get an apartment in Missouri..."

"Why? Why don't you just come with me?"

"Because I have friends in Missouri, Ni.."

"So? You'll see 'em. We can visit." She scoffed at me.

"Maybe Ni..." I grinned and kissed her cheek again.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" She smiled.

"Maybe." My phone beeped with a text from Harry. I ignored it.

"Are you gonna check it?" She asked.

"No, I promised I'd stay with you right here all day."

"Well yeah but what if it's important?"

"It's not." She sat up and reached towards the nightstand for my phone. She looked at the screen for a few seconds before typing something and turning it off.

"What was it?"

"Nothing important." She smirked and I rolled her on top of me. She laid her head on my bare chest. I could feel her warm breath on me.

"I'm letting Katherine adopt Marge." She said softly. I stroked her hair.

"Good. You know it's the right thing to do. It will be better that way." I again felt tears on my body but I knew I couldn't stop her. She needed that. She needed to cry. I started to sing to her. Remembering that hearing my voice makes her feel better. I sang her a song me and Harry wrote just for her on tour a while ago. Six Months ago.

By the time I finished she was asleep on top of me. Which was strange but I didn't mind. I picked up my phone to read the text from Harry.

Hey man. We're gonna go to lunch. You coming?

Hanna had replied easily.

This is Hanna, Niall promised he's spend the day with me. Next time;)

She was so kind and vibrant. Even though she was so upset. I continued to stroke her hair until she woke up about a half hour later.


Hey guys! I haven't updated in like 6283948276272 days so here's a short chapter! New updates soon!

Thank you soooo much for reading!:)

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