Chapter 7:

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Niall's POV:

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes Niall. I'm supposed to be getting back into my normal life."

"Most normal people don't do this kind-" She kissed me to shut me up. I smiled softly at her.

"I love you okay? I'm going." I nodded and shifted my position on the couch.

"Wanna go get lunch?" She shrugged and continued watching Pitch Perfect for the 27293927276282938337th time. "Yes or no?" I asked.

"Whatever you want to do."

"Let's go." I said, sitting up. She groaned.

"Can't we just eat here?" I grinned.

"So when you said whatever I want to do, you didn't actually mean whatever I want to do?" I asked, pretending to be surprised. She smiled.

"I'm just kidding. Let's go." She pulled on a jacket and shoes and we drove to McDonald's drive-thru.

We brought the food home and ate at the kitchen table. I wanted to ask her, but I was afraid she would say no. Or. I don't know.

"What?" She said. "What's wrong? I can see it in your face."

"No. Nothing's wrong. Nothing."



"Niall. I'm being serious."

"Hanna. I have to leave for tour the day after tomorrow."

"Okay? I know? Don't remind me?" She chuckled miserably.

"Do you want to come with me?" She grinned.

"Of course I do." I smiled.

"Good. But that means you'll have to talk to your mom."

"Niall. I'm 18 years old. I don't have to do anything." I looked at her.


"Niall it's been almost two weeks. She hasn't reached out to me more than twice. I don't have to tell her anything. I'll just get my stuff when she's at work tommorrow. Okay?" I nodded glumly. She really should say something to her mom at least. I finished my Mcdonalds and stared at her.

"You're just going to leave town? For months? And not tell her?"

"I graduated already. I doubled on classes when I was gone. She shouldn't care."

"What about college?"

"I have a scholarship to Cornell University." I looked at her.


"Nothing. Sounds like a plan then." I smiled softly. She leaned across the table and kissed me quickly.

"HOME." Harry yelled as he walked in.

"You guys got McDonalds without us?" Hanna shrugged.

"Sorry." He pretended to hit the back of her head.

"Bad girl." She smiled.

"Don't hit her." I said, only half joking, smiling. He pretended to hit her again, without touching her head. I rolled my eyes and they both laughed.

"So you coming on tour?" He asked, opening the fridge.

"Yes. And she will not be sleeping anywhere near you. Ever." I said, taking her hand and leaving the kitchen. She smiled at me as we went into the living room, Harry following us.

"Oh come on. Just once." He joked, chuckling. Hanna rolled her eyes at him. He looked so weird with his haircut. I didn't even recognize him.

"Where's Louis?"

"With El. Kendall's coming over soon. Wanna go do something?" He asked. I looked at Hanna. She shrugged.

"Sure. But we have that premiere at 10 tonight."

"So we'll be back here by seven? It's only noon, Ni."

"Let's go bowling!" Hanna suggested, becoming perky. I grinned at Harry.

"Kendall loves bowling." I looked at her.

"Good idea, Han." She blushed a little and smiled. God, she was beautiful.

There was a knock on the door. Harry ran to answer the door where he opened it and kissed Kendall immediately.

"Hey." She said, smiling and biting her lip. He grinned and she and inside. Hanna stood up and gave her a huge hug.

"I missed you! You left me with these boys for a month!" Kendall joked, smiling.

"I know I know. Sorry!" Hanna replied, laughing.

"We were thinking we should go bowling, yeah?" Harry asked Kendall.

"Does Hanna wanna get mobbed now I mean-" Kendall started, I cut her off.

"Trust me. Hanna will be fine." Hanna smiled and leaned onto my chest. I touched her head.

"Then that sounds great. Let me just go put this stuff away?" She motioned to the tote bag in her hand.

"Yeah I'm gonna go change." Hanna said quietly, following Kendall upstairs. I picked up my phone and went on twitter.

#hiallkillsme @1dsssuperfan77

I can't take these #Hiall pics anymore. #sodone #toomuchlove

I smiled at the picture, a collage of me and Hanna. Hanna came down the stairs in a pair of jeans and a vans sweatshirt that was mine. Her phone was sticking out of her back pocket.

"Ready?" Kendall asked, adjusting her lipgloss in the mirror. That's one thing I liked about Hanna. She didn't have to wear makeup all the time. She rarely wore it around me and the other guys, she wore mascara here and there but that was pretty much it. Even in public when photographers were mobbing she didn't wear makeup. Kendall always had lots on.



She dropped the ball and I watched it roll evenly down the lane. I tried to ignore the young girls taking pictures of us bowling. We decided to refuse all picture requests in order for less mobbing. I heard cheering and snapped out of it.


the board said.

"Seriously?!" I groaned, laughing at her beating me by 2 points.

"You literally can't even right now, right?" Harry joked. I flipped him off, making everyone laugh. For a second, my life almost seemed normal. For 1.2 seconds(literally) I didn't realize there were 20 girls taking pictures of me, that I had two reliable parents that loved me, that I had friends, but most of all, tha I had normal friends. Not friends like Kendall Jenner and Harry styles. I felt normal.

And I liked it.

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