Chapter 18:

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Hanna's POV:

I smiled and leaned onto Niall's shoulder.

"Let's go somewhere." Niall said. I looked at him, wide eyed.

"Just for a weekend. Come on! We can go to New York! It'll be fun." I raised my eyebrows.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Why not?" I smiled and pecked his cheek.

"Sounds perfect. When are we doing this?" He looked at his phone. "Tomorrow. I'll have management book us a flight." I grinned, then my smile faded.

"What?" He asked me, his smile leaving his face also.

"I have to watch Marge for the weekend. Kacie is going with Jason and Melany to a Horse Show a few hours away."

"So Marge can come with us! It'll be fun!" I rolled my eyes, knowing he was just trying to make me feel better.


"I'm serious. I love Marge. It'll be fun!"

"Okay.." I tried to smile.




Niall's POV:

Hanna was curled in a ball in the seat next to me, her head on my shoulder. Marge was watching Sesame Street on my phone on the ground with her blanket. I watched her stare intently at the screen for a few minutes before even she got distracted.

"Niall, when are we going bye bye?"

"Only a few more minutes." I said, raising one finger to my mouth to show her to be quiet. She giggled softly and went back to my phone. Hanna stirred in her sleep. I honestly didn't mind Marge coming with us. She wasn't physcotic like Kacie and usually listened pretty well.

Hanna's eyes opened. "Hey."

"Hi babe." She sat up all the way, I took her hand.

"Whose phone is that?" She asked me, pointing to the phone in Marge's hand.

"Mine..." She just nodded and smiled.

"All passengers for flight 34-A Private please report to terminal 7." Marge plugged her ears as the voice rang loudly over the intercom. Hanna picked up Marge, who gave me my phone and was now becoming very tired.

We arrived in New York at 5:34 pm. Then we were rushed to the hotel and brought to our room. Marge ran around excitedly, having slept on the plane. Hanna sat down, exhausted.

"Isn't this nice?" I asked, kissing her cheek. She shrugged.

"I guess." She half smiled.

"What's wrong?"


"Don't fucking lie to me." Marge stopped and looked at me, wide eyed.

"DONT SAY THAT NIWULL. Bad boy." I chuckled softly. Hanna smiled.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired. And starving." I grinned.

"Let's eat then." I walked to the desk and pulled out the guest travel guide. I looked through the restaurants listed.

Jafar's New York Style Pizzeria and Barbeque

"What about this?" I asked her, pointing. She shrugged and smiled.

We sat down in a booth, Marge next to me and Hanna across. Fans and paps were taking pictures and crowding around, thankfully Paul and Sam pushed them away. I Ordered a burger, Hanna ordered a salad and grilled cheese for Marge.

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