Chapter 22:

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Hanna's POV:
7 months later:
The Wedding reception-

I smiled at Niall, and squeezed his hand tightly as Harry stood up for a toast.

"Excuse me." Everyone looked towards him. "Since Hanna didn't have a brother to do this, I figured I would.." He paused slightly. "It's weird how im actually nervous to do this.. After all the tours. " he shot a smile. "I remember the first day Niall met Hanna, at her moms house. That night the first thing he said when he came home was 'guys. I found her.' We all looked at him like he was crazy. We had no idea what he was talking about until he explained he met the girl he was going to marry one day. We all just looked at him.. Like 'are you joking? You met her two hours ago..' But he wasn't. And it wasn't until probably two years ago that we started to realize that this wasn't just some relationship, that somehow, Niall was right. This is the girl he was going to marry. And we all understood exactly why. We didn't call him crazy. We didn't think he was being dramatic. We understood. Because now, Hanna is one of my best friends, and not just because of Niall... She used to call me on tour and talk to me for hours, mentioning Niall's name only once or twice. It didn't feel like a friendship that was only there because she was dating your best friend. It felt like a real, genuine friendship, and I liked that. How she has such a way to make everyone feel wanted. Like it's just you. I've had a lot of girlfriends in the past years Niall and Hanna have been dating, and throughout all of those relationships, I never felt like she was the one I was going to marry. And I realized that it's hard to know, but Niall knew. and I feel like that's just something special. Nialls been in love with her for years, And I couldn't be happier that they're now married." He smiled and raised his wine glass. We all raised them in unison and I took a sip.

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