Chapter 3:

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I was actually really surprised that my mom agreed to letting me stay the night at Niall's. Even though it had taken them about 15 minutes of begging.

"When are you guys gonna go public? Everyone just thinks you're friends and it's been a month." I shrugged.

"Yeah. Harry's right. We should go public soon."

"Okay...?" I said to Niall, confused. If he wanted us to go public why didn't we?

"You guys haven't even been on a real date."

"Harry shut up I already know leave me alone."

"We've been on tons of dates. Here, my house, mcdonalds that one time. That was a date."

"That was at 2:30am. And I wouldn't consider that a date." Niall argued.

"Yes it was!"

"Okay come on. Let's go. We're going on a date. Go get dressed."

"Niall what? I already ate."

"Just go get back into your clothes." I went upstairs and changed out of his sweatpants. When I came down he was getting his shoes on.

We got in the car.

"Are you okay Ni?" I asked him, he looked like he was freaking out. He looked at me.

"I'm fine. I just. Harry was right. It's been a month. People should know by now. And we've never been on a real, public date. So that's what we're doing."

"Where could we possibly be going?" I asked him. "It's 9:30 at night." He smiled and pulled into the parking lot of my favorite ice cream shop in the world. I smiled at him.

"Paps and fans are going to be everywhere okay. Just ignore them." I nodded and smiled. We went inside. The cashier was a teenaged girl who definitely knew who Niall was. We ordered our ice cream and Niall paid. We sat down at a table accross from eachother. That's when people started showing up. Hell, they'd probably been following us since we left Niall's. We had the manager lock the door, she obeyed and smiled. There were a few other Customers in the building. We talked to eachother for a good 45 minutes before we decided to move on from here. We got up, and left. Niall held my hand and pulled me to the car through the crowd.

"Okay. Where to now?" He asked, smiling at me as he pulled out of the lot.


"Let's go to target. Just because." I smiled a little.

"Works for me." I replied. He drove to target and we went inside. Harry reported that people were still unsure, we were going to have to make it more obvious.

A girl asked for a picture. Niall introduced me as his girlfriend and I took the picture. We walked around target for an hour, just kissing in random places, every time we saw a pap. Finally we were both tired out and headed home.

"I think people are going to get it now." I laughed.

"I agree Niall." He turned the radio up a little and we just sat silently, listening to the music. Niall hummed softly to the rhythm. It was a comfortable silence. It wasn't awkward. We just sat, enjoying each others company.

"I love you Han." He said to me,his eyes staring at the road blankly. I looked at him.

"I love you too." He smiled a little and took my hand. We pulled into the driveway and went inside.

"Jesum I think people got the hint Niall." Harry exclaimed as we walked in the door. Niall grinned.

"This isn't funny Ni! Do you know how pissed management is going to be? You were just supposed to make it look like you were dating. Not that you guys were fuck buddies!" Harry said.

"Calm down Harry. I can handle management. I made my own decisions. It's none of your business." He told Harry, looking at him in a disgusted manner and headed upstairs with me.

"He's such a dick sometimes. He thinks he in charge." I laughed. He kissed me lightly.

"Let's watch a movie. One that we haven't seen sixty times." I smiled and laid down next to him. He scrolled through Netflix and started playing a scary movie.

"Niall! Why would you do this to Me?!" I said. He smiled at me. I grabbed the remote.

"We are not watching this. Not tonight." He kissed my cheek.

I changed it to a random movie that was supposed to be comedy.

"This is dumb." He said.

"You're dumb." He looked at me. "Ni. I'm just kidding." He smiled and I kissed him quickly.


I sat down in Niall's lap and moved his fork into my mouth. He looked at me.

"That was mine." I smiled.

"And I ate it."

"You did not just eat Niall's food." Louis said, his face in awe.

"I think I did."

"You're going to get beat up."

"Niall wouldn't beat me up. Would you?" I said, smirking at him.

"I'd have to think about it." He said, smiling. I looked at him, shocked.

"I'm just kidding babe." He kissed me. I took his fork out of his hand and ate multiple pieces of his pancake.

"You bitch." He said. I smiled and patted his hair.

"I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Good. You'll stop eating my food." He said. I smiled.

"Not making any promises." I went up the stairs and took a shower. I changed into my jeans from yesterday and a sweatshirt that I left here. I didn't even bother putting in any makeup, honestly I didn't really care. I went back downstairs. They were all still sitting around the table

"What do you want To do today babe?" Niall asked. I shrugged.


"What time do you need to be home?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Niall we have that interview today at 3."

"What time is it?" Niall asked Zayn.

"Noon. You should probably get dressed. I can drive Hanna home if you want." Harry answered.

"Nah, I'll drive her home.-"

"Niall we have to leave in an hour. When are you going to drive her-"

"Fine fine. Take her home." He surrendered. He stood up and brought me into the living room.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too."

"If Harry tries anything.."

"He won't." I laughed a little. I kissed him lightly and let him push me against the wall.

"Call me later okay?" I nodded and he went upstairs to get ready.

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