Chapter 20:

21 0 0

Hanna's POV:

3 years later:

Hanna's 21st Birthday-

I woke up with about 6 trillion texts messages from about 6 trillion different people. All wishing me a very happy Birthday. I replied to them all before sitting up in my bed and sighing loudly.

Ava, my roommate woke up at this.

"Happy Birthday." She said blandly.

"Thanks." I got up and grabbed my towel to take a shower. Niall and the guys were coming today, and I couldn't wait. I was so excited I could barely contain myself. I was meeting them at the airport at 11am. It was now 10:03.

By the time I got out of the shower, Ava was up and dressed. She was brushing her hair out in front of the mirror.

"Look at you. Such an adult." She joked, looking at me. I rolled my eyes at her witty joke and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a sweater. My phone started ringing with a call from Katherine.


"1,2,3-Happy Birthday Hanna!!!" Katherine and a 5 year old Marge said.

"Thank youuuu. How are you guys doing?" I asked, smiling.

"We're pretty good, how about you?" Marge said, giggling.

"I'm good. But I have to go right now so I'll talk to you soon okay? I love you!" I said, happy.

"Love ya!" Then the phone beeped with an ending.-

I opened the dorm room door.

"I'll be back later. I'm meeting Niall at the airport." She nodded and I left the room. People wished me a happy Birthday as I walked out of the building . Even people I didn't know, were hugging me and saying happy birthday.

I pulled into the lot at the airport and entered.

The front desk was conveniently located in the direct front of the entrance.

"I'm here for Gate 14? Can you tell me where that is?" The woman smiled and typed a few things into her computer.

"Gate 14 is a private gate, ma'am."

"Right. One Direction is there. I'm meeting them at the gate."

"I have a no visitors note here." She said. I groaned.

"Can you like. Call or something. I swear. Niall's my boyfriend."

"He's also my nieces boyfriend." She smirked.

"No! I'm serious! Please! Call him!" I picked up my phone. "Here see? It's me and him." I went to my pictures and showed her about 3 more.

"Please." She sighed and picked up the phone, following the screen to dial.

"Hi, I have a girl at the front desk telling me she's supposed to meet you at the gate?" There was a pause. "Around 18, maybe 19." Another pause. "Okay. Thanks."

"A security member will be here to get you in a few minutes." I nodded.

"Thanks. And uh. I'm 21.." She smiled as I walked away. I stood on my phone leaning against the desk until I recognized a security guard.

"Hanna! It is you! Good! I was worried it wouldn't be." I smiled and followed him back to the Gate.

"What time are they supposed to arrive?"

"Any minute.." He said. I nodded pleasantly. He unlocked a door and we entered. It looked just like every other gate on the planet. But a bit smaller. It had chairs and a coffee table, a small flat screen and a coffee pot in the corner. I sat in one of the chairs and waited, silently for a few minutes when the screams started to get louder. Finally I could identify the sound as 5 boys singing happy birthday as they walked into the room.

My eyes went straight to Niall. I jumped out of my chair and ran to him, jumping into his arms almost immediately. He pressed his lips to mine and pulled my body as close as it possibly could go.

"I missed you so fucking much." I said, taking a breath then going back at it.

"Do you mean you missed fucking me so much?" I rolled my eyes and he set me down. The other guys were all talking a few feet away. Niall and I walked to them and I gave them hugs and did the usual, 'hello I missed you' thing.

"So what are our plans for the night?" Harry asked us once we were in the van. I shrugged and Niall answered.

"Well, I of course would like to take my girlfriend to dinner and then we can all go to a bar or something? Since you know it's your 21st birthday." He smirked and kissed my forehead. I smiled.

"Works for me." By the time we were back at the dorm it was 3:30. The boys hotel was about a block away, so it didn't take long to get there. The boys said they would meet us later. Niall was with me.

"So I was thinking dinner at 5? Is that fine?" I nodded. He sat next to me on my bed.

"Do you have a roommate?"

"Yeah, her names Ava. She's at work."

"Till when?"

"Um. I don't really know.. I don't know. Depends on the day." I knew why he was asking me this but I knew it would kinda suck if Ava walked in on us.

"I don't have to share my hotel room." He told me.

"Really? Steppin' up, Ni." He grinned.

"I don't think you understand."

"No I do. Later. Okay? Please." He nodded and kissed me quickly. I understood that he was 24 year old guy and he had needs that I probably wasn't supplying while he was on tour, but I really just didn't want to right now. I just wanted to be with him for a while.

I leaned onto his shoulder.

"I love you Niall."

"I love you too."

"Still?" I Asked.

"Still." He smiled. He wrapped his arms around me and just hugged me for a while.

"I missed you so much, Han. So. So much."

"I missed you too." We held onto each other silently for about two minutes when he kissed my head and I pulled away.

"Han. Do you think this is working? Between us." My head shot to him.

"Are you kidding? Of course. What are you-"

"Good. I'm just making sure." He grinned and I slapped his chest.

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