Chapter 11:

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Hanna's POV:

"Maybe I'll go ask?" I suggested.

"No! You. You definitely can't go ask him. That's like social suicide." She seemed shaken up.

"Uh. Okay?"

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Lacie said. Everyone nodded.

"Go talk to him. She's an idiot." Megan said.

"Really?" She nodded. I took a deep breath an got up. I strided to his table.

"Connor? Can I talk to you?" He looked up.

"Hanna? Oh. Yeah sure." He smiled with his pearled white teeth. He got up and brought me to a back hallway.

"What's up?"

"This is probably going to sound-"

"Just tell me." He said, smiling.

"Why did you ask me out?"

"Uh because you seem nice and I want to get to know you I don't know why do you ask?"

"Because Lacie-"

"Wait wait whoa. You're friends with Lacie?"

"I mean I guess-"

"What did Lacie tell you?"

"Just that you don't ask girls out ever and... Other stuff." He nodded.

"Oh stuff like I have sex with girls everyday and that kind of thing?"

"Uh. Yeah I guess?"

"Lacie is my sister. She absolutely hates me. She's the reason I moved out of my house. She's seriously tries to ruin my life every chance she gets. Mostly everyone knows that. I guess she saw you as fresh bait." He chuckled a little.

"I'm sorry. I just made a total fool out of-"

"It's fine. I promise. Happens all the time." I nodded.

"You like cutting people off don't you?"

"Nope just you." He smiled. "So are we still up for that-"

"Yeah." I grinned. He looked at me.

"That's my thing." I laughed.

"Come sit with me. Lacie will do you no more harm." I chuckled. He put his arm around me and walked back to the table. I sat across and diagonal from him. The girl I was sitting next to smiled.

"Hey Hanna."

"Oh. Hi?"

"I'm Siena."

"Hi Siena." She leaned towards me.

"This might be a little early to ask but uh. Are you and Niall... Still?" She paused. "I sort of like one direction." She blushed. I smiled at the thought of Niall.

"No.. We're. We're not." I scratched my cheek. She looked slightly upset.

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"Oh, don't worry about it, it's totally fine." I smiled.

"Okay. Also another question. Sorry I know you probably hate this."

"It's okay, there are creepier, more annoying fans." She smiled.

"Is Harry really as rude and obnoxious as everyone says?" I smiled and laughed lightly.

"Not at all. He's one of the nicest people I've ever met. Next time I hang out with him I'll remind myself to invite you." She looked at me with wide eyes.

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