Chapter 5- It's a Deal!

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Some days,
I feel everything at one. 
Other days, 
I feel nothing at all. 
I don't know what's worse;
drowning beneath the waves
or dying from the thirst. 



Mahnoor couldn't believe that it was only a few weeks ago she was dancing in the lounge with Amirah and counting down to the wedding. Now she was sitting in Nadiya's lounge pleading for her forgiveness on behalf of Ayaaz and trying to make up for her son's regressive behaviour. Amirah was in her bedroom and refusing to come down and Nadiya wasn't going to make it easy for Mahnoor.

"She doesn't eat. She doesn't talk. She lies in her bed all day. Where is Ayaaz? Why isn't he here making it up to her?" Nadiya paced the room with Muddasar who grumbled.

"I promise you he will be here. He will apologise." Mahnoor pleaded sitting on the edge of her seat.

"I heard he's in Spain with his friends. He doesn't seem concerned for my daughter." Nadiya placed her hand on her hip.

Mahnoor bit her lip in regret. She was hoping that Amirah wouldn't find out, but how could she hide the fact Ayaaz ran off with his mates after breaking up? He was making it hard for her.

"It was a trip they booked a while ago. Ayaaz regrets his behaviour, I will make him come and apologise. Let me speak to Amirah, I need to see her, please."

Upstairs in her bedroom, Amirah pulled the duvet over her head. Sonya placed the plate of Orea biscuits and milk on the desk after Amirah refused to take it.

"Waste not. Want not." Soniya twisted the sandwich cookie prising the biscuit apart. She gazed at the sweet white crème filling like gazing at a lover. The tip of her tongue moistened her lips like a snake's tongue ready to pounce. She neared the biscuit to her mouth and dipped the tip of her tongue deep into the delicious crème clenching her eyes shut for intense pleasure.
"Hmmmm." She sighed with pleasure. "Who needs a man, when you can have Orea biscuits?" Soniya mumbled with a full mouth. "You're best off without him."

Amirah threw her pillow at Soniya forcing her to shut up.

The door opened and Mahnoor entered quietly. She took a seat on the edge of Amirah's bed letting out a slight wince of pain. Due to the stress over the past days, the sharp pain in her knee attacked with a vengeance. Mahnoor began to limp taking the weight off her left leg. Thankfully, she had a scan tomorrow to find the cause of the pain

"Amirah darling." Mahnoor whispered softly stroking the lump in the duvet. "I'm so sorry about Ayaaz. I will make it better. I promise  once Ayaaz returns he will come here personally and apologise to your dad and mum."

"Why has he gone to Spain? He doesn't care about me. He hasn't called me or returned my messages." Amirah cried from under her duvet, her voice nothing but mumbles.

"He does care. He has a strange way of showing it. Please-" Mahnoor pulled back the covers hoping to see her face. "Look at me."

Nadiya entered the room handing Muddasar to Soniya. "Why are you gobbling them? They were for your sister." Nadiya pointed at the biscuits. "Give your brother one."

"Amirah doesn't want them." Soniya spoke with another mouthful.

"Even dad backed away and doesn't want me to marry Ayaaz." Amirah cried. "I'm never going to get married now. It's over"

"Amirah, I'll talk to your dad." Mahnoor said sparking Nadiya's attention. "I will talk to your dad and make Ayaaz apologise to him. Khizar will come round."

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