
389 11 14

random question: do u believe in love at first sight?

December 29th, 2016

jack, pete, ryan, patrick + 3 more

jack: why do the names always jumble up smh

ryan: who knows

ryan: it's like 11 at night wtf i want to sleep

pete: loser

brendon; ryan babycakes go back to sleep

jack; BABYcaKEs

ryan: brendon im literally right next 2 u

pete: jack shut up

jack: :O

patrick: hm

vic: guys wtf my phone was blaring smh the one night i don't have my ringer off

pete: mikey are u awake smh

brendon: oooooo, pete and mikey

pete: what's that supposed to mean

brendon: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

pete: lmao

jack: pete and mikey sitting in a tree

pete: jaCK

patrick: K-I-S-S-I-N-G

vic: you two are too cute n you guys aren't even together my emo heart

brendon: exactly they need to get married already glad i'm not alone on that

pete: smdh

patrick: guys, let this ship sail smoothly

brendon: i've read too many stories where the otp gets ruined because of a party or their friends being dumb

brendon: usually parties

brendon: oh shit guys actually guys party cancelled

brendon: shhh it's really not just but just don't tell pete or mikey petekey must be saved!!

pete: petekey???

pete: brendon are u reading one direction fics again

jack: the best kind of fanfics

brendon; patrick came up with the ship name


patrick: UH

brendon: gotta blast!

brendon has left the conversation

pete: guys hold on

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