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random question: do you play video games? if so, what is your favorite game?


December 29th, 2016

mikey: pete who booted me out of the groupchat :(

pete: we booted brendon out as a joke and accidentally kicked u out n i said mikey's probably sleeping let's not bother him

mikey: ooo okay. can i come back?

pete: of course

pete, mikey, jack, brendon + 3 more

pete: mikey's back :)

jack: hey mikey

mikey: i'm bored

pete: same

brendon: mikey hi

mikey: hi brendon

brendon: do u know what petekey is

pete: brendon omg don't

mikey: uhhh no but i'm assuming it has something to do with pete considering his name is in it

brendon: yep haha

mikey: what is it

mikey: i am curious

pete: mikey nO

brendon: ur ship name

patrick: pete + mikey = petekey


mikey: i think that's cute

mikey: it has a ring to it. petekey i like it.

brendon: AGHHHH

pete: any way who likes movies

brendon: nice topic change pete

pete: whip

mikey: i'm hungry pete u wanna go get food

pete: hell yea

vic: the gays are going on a date!!!

mikey: pete what u wanna do

pete: whatever u wanna do is fine, idc

pete: spending time with you is fun enough

jack: MY HEART

pete: ok i'll come by whenever ur ready

mikey: okay pete xoxo

ryan: i

brendon: when will petekey sail 😔

mikey : who knows ;)

vic: FUCK

patrick: ooohhh my lordddd

mikey : ok srsly tho pete i'm ready i'm gonna go ttyl everybody

brendon: use protection

pete: sure brendon, we will.

ryan: ?????!!!!!

brendon: 😘

vic: i need a man i feel left out

jack: what about kellin

ryan: yeah i forgot about kellin where'd he go

vic: hahahaaaa whose kellin!?? i don't know her

jack: yikes must be a sore topic

vic: yeaaaaa it kinda is but u don't know what happened so it's good

jack: what happened vic yikes

jack: if u don't wanna tell me that's cool too if it's bad

vic: nah nah it's cool he just fucked me over and outed me to my parents which they were pissed at first not that i was pan but that i was hiding it from them it hurt their feelings more if anything and my parents felt like shit for a long time

vic: then mike got pissed off bc after kellin told somebody that he and i both thought we could trust about us they told ppl and mike started getting labeled as having "the gay brother." and resented me for a long time bc of what ppl thought of him. i mean we are kinda close ish now but .. it's not the same. my brother and i aren't like we were b4 :/

vic: i don't hate kellin or anything i'm just definitely not talking to him for a long time. i just didn't want my family to find out through him or anyone else besides n he strained my brother and i's once perfect brotherly bond

jack: damn

vic: yea.

vic: omg i'm sorry for being sad now i just wish everything was the way it was before kellin did that

patrick: vic, its fine.

brendon: fuck kellin id be furious if that shit happened to me

brendon: i would've fought him hell i'll beat his ass now

ryan: brendon, no

vic: there's no point in fighting kellin i miss him even tho he did me dirty & ruined my brother and i's relationship just out of pure anger towards me.

jack: do u want to go hang out with alex and i maybe that'll make u feel better

jack: patrick u should come too

vic: i would like that a lot actually

patrick: count me in 😋

brendon; ok while everybody's hanging out,,, ryan come over here

ryan: ok bb


wolves - one direction

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