fifty five

204 13 0


may 2nd, 2017


kellin: hey

vic: hey kellin i'm bored

kellin: hey bored i'm kellin

vic: >:O

kellin: :)

gabe: i love sonic

william: well u are a furry no surprise there


mikey: it's ok gabe so do i & if we're supposedly furrys let's be furrys together

gabe: hell yea yiff yiff

mikey: yiff

pete: mikey can we ft

mikey: sure


"h-hey. what's up?" mikey asked, as the phones connected and were now they were looking at each other.

pete's eyes were red, and he seemed to be in a bathroom.

"p-pete?! what's wrong? were you crying?" mikey frantically asked, really wishing this wasn't over an electronic device. he wanted to hug the boy so badly, but alas, pete was lodged in a bathroom.

"yeah, yeah i'm fine." pete answered. "mikey, i love you."


love was an intense word to the both of them.

they both knew not to throw the "i love you" right away. love meant so much.

i love you meant a commitment to pete, as-well as mikey.


"i'm at ryan's." pete said, changing the subject. "brendon wanted to talk."

mikey was ignoring the fact it was midnight, but other than that his mind was in a million places.

first, pete said the big four letter word.


second, pete is at brendon's.

and third and most important at the moment, pete was crying.

"shit." was the only thing that popped out of mikey way's mouth in that exact moment.

pete chuckled. "yeah."

"where are you right now?" mikey asked.

"in his bathroom right now. as you can see i'm not handling this very well."

"did you talk to him at all yet?"

"yeah. was brief. and tense." pete sighed. "not really anything major i mean... he still hasn't said sorry- if that's what you mean. I-"

"pete, go talk to him." mikey sighed, taking his glasses off and setting them on the table. "please? it'll help your mental state a lot..

"okay. i will." pete said, standing up from the corner he was sitting in, presumably trying to hide from his problems.

"i love you too, by the way."

"i'm sorry i'm just saying this now." pete said. "it's a bad time and you probably think i'm doing this impulsively but i-"

"pete! i. love. you." mikey said, pausing each of the words in the sentence. "don't worry. now, go talk to brendon."

"okay. thank you."

end of call


EASE - troye sivan

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