thirty four

288 13 0

january 8th, 2017

gay emo squad 👽😽🌟

pete: jesus fuck it's cold

vic: isn't mikey with you

mikey: nah i went home to make sure my family's good

vic: i was about to say y'all can just cuddle

mikey: we do that anyway

mikey: we swore under the cuddle buddy oath

pete: 🙊

mikey: ;)

jack: omg i'm legit so excited about this bowling shit

jack: when r we doing it

pete: idk maybe when the weather gets better

pete: like the snow stopped so maybe sunday bc that's midnight bowling bc of mlk day being the next day n most ppl don't have school

jack: yeaaa. that sounds great

jack: we could ask brendon and that be our way of talking to him? probably a bad idea but still just a thought

pete: nah i don't want gabe and them getting involved

jack: ah i get that

pete: im talking to him asap

pete: he's my best friend i'm not seeing him fall into this shit

mikey: :( i hope he's gonna be ok

pete: he will. he's dumb but he'll get better

pete: how he even got into this is beyond me he's 16 years old almost 17 he shouldn't be like this

ryan: idk either tbh

ryan: the few times he's done molly & that other shit i've known and i didn't do much about it bc i'm dumb and trusted him but i also knew taking acid and some of the psychedelics n that kind of stuff won't harm u but maybe he's getting bored by that and tried some other shit once ?? fuck idk but all i do know is i'm worried

mikey: ryan don't blame yourself

mikey: this'll get sorted out

ryan: i just want him to be ok

pete: so do i

pete: & i'll make sure he is

jack: omg i hate corndogs

mikey: wtf where'd that come from

pete: so do i

jack: they're disgusting

pete: they look like fried dicks

jack: my mom just made them for lunch before she leaves for work

jack: i'm just gonna act like i'm sleeping

alex: i love ur moms cooking jack

alex; i'm coming over just to eat them your moms cooking is the best i will psychically fight you

jack: ur gonna fight me over bread with a hotdog lodged in the middle

alex: only bc of ur mom! she's such a cute lil old lady

jack: yea my mom is pretty awesome

jack: come over

alex: ok


when i come around - green day

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