Short Story: First Murder

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First Murder

Experiences, if a Grim Reaper experience their 'first suicide' and then surely they would definitely witness their 'first murder'. A reaper, they will always see the worse and cruellest of humanity. That's why you would have partners for those that are Junior.

Gakushu witnessed his first murder when he had a small transfer to America for more experience.

A smaller and younger Gakushu stared up to Ikeda, with the expression of 'who got to be kidding me' written all over his face. He was already ready for his shifts in America, he agreed to Rilliane's request and luckily she already prepared with the paperwork. It was good that his father was away from the country so he could do this excursion, although Lucia's episode earlier still shaken him a bit.

He wore his reaper uniform, the black double-breasted hooded coat with its hood up. It was only buttoned to the waist down, underneath was some military-styled white cargo pants. Matching this were some black boots tucked in. He also wore a dark blue scarf and black leather gloves. His smart-phone was in his pockets, along with his de-sized Death Scythe that told others that he was a KH fan. He was ready and prepared.

But nothing would get him ready for this.

"Please behave Ikeda." Rilliane let out a sigh and feared of what would happen next the moment she entered into the conference room. The Department had decided to pair up Ikeda and Gakushu together for the boy's transfer to America. She glanced over at Gakushu who looked up to Ikeda with a bored look and Ikeda returning a playful smile.

She knew that Gakushu and Ikeda didn't started off well, with Ikeda running off with Gakushu's strawberry jelly the first time they met and Gakushu chasing after him.

Gakushu even used the chandelier one time, grabbing onto it as he jumped off the balcony and swinging it before jumping on Ikeda for a touchdown. That 10 year old boy broke three of Ikeda's ribs, but since reapers were immortal and generally healed quicker than regular humans. Ikeda was back on his feet after a day in bed.

Since then, Gakushu was always suspicious around An's Junior and it didn't help as Ikeda would always start the chase. Also adding the fact that Ikeda installed himself as being his big brother and has constantly teased him. Always stealing some kind of sweet from the boy with an almighty sweet tooth.

Already today, Ikeda snatched off a candy cane after it was given by a reaper named Noct. But since Noct was carrying a sackful of the minty flavoured candy, he quickly gave Gakushu another one before his temper got the better of him.

Noct was a reaper Gakushu made friends with, how they met was both funny and adorable. Gakushu was on one of his school breaks and he couldn't hang out with Ren because he was all the way in America. So he went into one of kitchens, Noct happened to be there, covered in flour and in front of him it was pot that was on fire.

Gakushu panicked and grabbed the nearest fire extinguisher, spraying foam all over Noct's failed cooking attempt. "Foooshhhhhhhh."

"...." The two were quiet as they looked over the foamy mess after Gakushu finished with the extinguisher.

"So, what were you trying to make?" Gakushu attempted to start a conversation with his fellow reaper.

"I just wanted to make caramel..." Noct turned his head to Gakushu and he could see the tears started to form around the corners of his eyes. When Noct faced his creation back again, Gakushu looked around the kitchen and saw that it was a complete mess.

There were other pots and pans that were used in the sink and has yet to be clean. The white tiled floor was laced with flour, on one of the workshop benches were failed cracked eggs and a bag of exploded flour.

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