Twitter imagines 4

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You stood at the edge of your driveway, looking up at your little slice of heaven that was perched in front of you. You stood there, smiling stupidly at the red shuttered, glass windowed house and took in a breath of autumn air.

Suddenly, you felt his hands slip around you from behind and squeeze you tight.

Your hand lifted, patting this side of his head as he perched his chin on your shoulder.

"You like it?" He said, worried that you might have changed your mind from the ride over from the city.

"It's more than perfect." You say, in awe.

"You're more than perfect." He said, cutely.

You turned around in his arms, and watched as his eyes glinted with tenderness.

"Nick," You said, taking his face between your hands.

He expected you to kiss him, and so he closed his eyes and leaned in.

"Stop being a kiss ass." You whispered as he was just about to kiss you.

He opened his eyes, laughing.

You punched his arm, playfully, and dashed inside, daring him to catch you.

Off he went, trying to catch you in his arms, making howling noises like he did whenever he used to play with Joe as a kid.

You screamed and giggled, dodging his reach, and finally ended up inside the house.

You collapsed on the floor, trying to catch your breath. He came in the doorway, seeing you on the floor.

"Nowhere to run now." He said, his voice deep, and evil-like.

"Oh no," You fake shrieked. "What ever will I do?"

He smirked, and walked over to you, plummeting to the ground beside you as you lay on the hardwood floors.

"I have an idea." He bit his lip, running his finger up and down the side of your leg.

You smiled, looking away, bashfully.

"Later." You promised.


It started in the guest bedroom. He stood there, painting away; using the roller to get to the high spots on the wall that you couldn't reach. You were painting, too. Only you had stopped for a break and now watched him from behind, noticing how his back muscles eased into the motion of him painting. You smiled. God damn it, he was beautiful. You sighed, and it must have been a loud one because he turned around.

"Enjoying the view?" He said, cocky, setting down the roller and sitting down across from you.

You rolled your eyes as if he wasn't anything special to look at.

"So how long do you think it'll take the paparazzi to find this place?" You said, dismissing his comment.

He sighed. "Probably not long."

You shook your head, anticipating the same thing.

"How are you guys?"

Nick dropped his eyes, immediately.

"I'm sorry." You said. "I didn't mean to sound like the media... I was just...never mind, " You smiled sweetly, "I guess it's better that I don't know."

Nick looked at you, and he realized just how understanding you were. He loved that about you.

"It's going to be rough," He sighed. "The media is on us like hounds. It's drawing us further apart, and I," He breathed out, stressed. "I just didn't think something like this would happen to the band."

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