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he didn't have the best smile. he told you that when you first met him.

"smile with me for a picture?" you asked, sweetly.

he didn't understand why his heart fluttered at every syllable that came out from behind those pink, perfect lips he always told you you had.

he gave you a grin, and watched as you pouted, unsatisfied.

"i don't have the best smile." he admitted, apologetically.

you thought about this, and wondered what drove him to think that.

"i don't have the best grin," you offered. "so you give me a smile, and i'll give you a grin...and it'll be equal."

he could still feel his cheeks get hot as he remembered the way his arm wrapped around your waist as if it finally found its perfect place.

then he smiled. a genuine smile.

fan turned into friend. friend turned into feelings much more.

he began to dry himself off with a towel. he could hear you mutter something, aggravated, from outside the bathroom door. laughing, he began to cover up his naked, still half-soaked body.

you were that girl. that girl who made his skin lift with goosebumps and his breath escape him every time a mere thought of you came into his head. you were love in all its glory, and he loved you so.

"still can't get it, huh?" he came into his bedroom watching your shoulders rise, tense.

you were seated at his study, absorbed in a statistics problem you could not solve for a class you could care less about.

"nick," you pout, throwing yourself down onto the desk, defeated.

"hey, hey," he said, concerned.

the sudden feeling of his fingers on your skin, massaging your neck, made you moan out softly, grateful.

"i love you." he whispered.

it was the first time he out-right said it.

you looked up, tears of frustration stemming from your math book still in your eyes, being traded in for joyful ones.

"what?" you said almost in a whisper, in disbelief.

"i love you." his brown eyes made the butterflies in your stomach surge.

he leaned over, his hand firmly on the desk behind you, and kissed you softly, as if he was afraid he might break you.

you could taste his body wash on your lips.

you pulled back slightly, to bite his lip.

"i will always love you for the rest of my life." he promised.

he was the first to deepen the kiss, the tip of his finger placed slightly underneath your chin, lifting your head for better access.

it was an overwhelming feeling of want, he'd describe it later on to you. at that moment, breathing in the scent of your skin, he wanted you more than anything.

you took the lead, running your tongue against his, making him come alive with a thrill he'd never known.

soon, both your bodies had traced their way to his bed, sitting atop his comforter, tongues twirling in a passionate dance within a shared kiss.

but you knew his morals, and you respected him so much for them.

you pulled away, catching your breath.

"nick," you smirked, warning him that he was venturing into unsurpassed territory.

"no." he breathed, hunger in his eyes growing with each passing second.

"no?" you asked.

he shook his head yes, signalling he was ready.

"are you sure?" you whispered, serious.


you smiled, seeing his eyes shift down to your body. he was nervous. this was his first time. he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of the girl he hoped to one day marry. he bit his lip, and you could see him shift slightly, confused how to start.

"it's like math," you said. "no right way to start..." you comforted.

after a moment, he climbed on top of you and layed you down on his mattress. straddling you, he began to unbutton his light blue shirt, his awkward, cold body being revealed.

you were both nineteen.

you cocked your head to the side, adoring the way he was looking at you.

as he finished taking off his boxers, you bit your lip.

raising your hands like a child, he pulled your dress up over your head, leaving only undergarments in the way.

he paused, his eyebrow lifted, and he smiled, a genuine smile.

"beautiful." he breathed.

you blushed.

"im a bit nervous..." he said, hesitantly. "i know," he cut off. "its probably not the manliest thing i could have said.

"im nervous, too." you said, truthfully.

it wasn't like you were a pro, either.

"but we'll be nervous together." he looked into your eyes, and you could see a boy slowly braving into a man.

he laughed, filling in the awkward silence surrounding you both.

his chuckles softly faded, and he looked at you with a look that made you believe he'd never hurt you.

his lips pressed down on your collarbone, and you both tried to concentrate on how to breathe.

you could feel his hand scramble to take grasp of your breast, and you closed your eyes, both of you discovering for the first time what it was like to feel each other.

fan turned into friend. friend turned into feelings much more.

now lovers.

he ran up to your apartment three years later.

his awkward teen body now traded in for one of a man's.

his chiseled arms wrapped around you, swinging you around.

he missed you.

you laughed.

"how is she?" he said eagerly.

you led him to her room where he saw his daughter, peacefully sleeping in her "big-girl" bed.

he held you tightly against his body, kissing your neck, grateful.

"beautiful." he whispered.

and he smiled.

a genuine smile.

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