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he flips through the channels, bored, waiting for something to catch his interest. you stare at him, your head in his lap, admiring the beauty of his strong features.

"darling," he says, a smile creeping up his face, "perhaps you'd like to take a picture?"

he looks down at you, rubbing your forehead softly, returning your loving stare.

"you're not bored of me?" you ask, ignoring his cute gesture, and diving into the insecurity you've always had.

who can blame you? honestly, you're dating someone who has seen more life than you, has had so many adventures and has met countless of people, and chose you. a girl from a small town with a big heart and an imagination that can circle the world twice.

"never." he says, cocking his head to the side and looking at you a bit worried. "not one bit."

you shake your head trying to believe it, but something in you isn't quite sure he means it.

"what do you like about me?" you say with the eyes of an eager child asking their mommy to bring them something back from a long trip.

he stares back at the tv, trying to think, and you can't help but feel bad.

"im sorry, i didnt mean to pressure you." you admit with a sigh.

"no, it's a good question." he replies earnestly. "it's just..." he pauses, deep in thought.

"there isn't anything special," you say, trying to finish his words.

he looks at you as if you've gone crazy. "is that what you really think of yourself?" he says, astonished.

you bite your lip, trying to avoid saying yes.

"god no, darling." he lifts you up onto his lap. "no, no, no." he says it like a song.

"then what?" you say, leaning your head on his strong shoulders.

"it's just," he breathes. "theres too many amazing things to name." he shakes his head, as if he discovered the perfect answer. "i mean, you're absolutely incredible in every way. ive never met a person who dreamed so big, or loved so hard, or knew exactly what she wanted out of life and wouldn't settle for less. and it's heartbreaking," he looks at you with his hazelnut eyes. "that a person so dynamic wouldn't give herself the recognition she deserves."

you smile, a genuine smile; and it's like daylight has spread throughout your body, making it impossible not to feel perfect.

"im sorry about that." you kiss his lips, and his arms run up your back. "i guess we all have insecurities that make us ask stupid questions, sometimes." you admit.

"now am i bored with this programming?" he jokes, referring back to your earlier question. "definitely."

you purse your lips, thinking of ways to fix that.

"get up!" you grin, getting up yourself. "we're going to play a game." you say.

"what kind of game?" he laughs at the childlike spark in your eye.

"get up!" you insist, and he does.

"mr. nick jonas," you start. "the point of the game is to catch me..."

"well that's easy."

"shh! im not done!" you sass. "but we'll both be wearing socks, and the only way i can run and you can catch is by rubbing our feet on the carpet."

"this is a bad idea..." he playfully warns.


"because im going to win and i will expect a grand prize." he bites his lip, staring at you with a youre-so-going-down kind of look.

you lean in really close, and for a moment, everything is silent. he closes his eyes as if youre about to kiss him but just as you near, you open your mouth and shout "go!"

suddenly theres a race going on in the living room, your socks are sliding off as you try to escape him behind you.

you run around the coffee table, him close behind, laughing.

"im going to get you!" he's calling out, his feet hot from the friction.

you stick your tongue out at him, shaking your head no, and that's when you make the fatal mistake of tripping over the arm of the couch, falling over it backwards.

he can't stop laughing, to the point where he's almost crying.

"that," he says between laughs. "was almost too easy."

you lay on the couch a sore loser, your arms wrapped in front of your chest, wanting to laugh, too, but hiding it.

"oh come on," he says, walking over to you and leaning on his knees so that you're both face to face.

"you can't call yourself boring when you make me feel the most alive." he says, a big smile still plastered on his face. his curls bounce above his head, and his eyes glow with love.

"you can't call yourself boring," he whispers, and just like that he leans his forehead on yours, his breath shallow, before lightly kissing you.

you jump back, feeling a sudden shock run through both your lips, surprising you.

"when you're really... electric."

you bubble up into a smile.

"now, it's time for my reward," he winks, jumping on you as you scream playfully. "i told you i always win." he says, biting your bottom lip and unbuckling his pants.

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