Hello Again

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Hi everyone. It's 2019, and fuck me, this book got a lot of hits. 

Thank you so much to everyone who bothered to read the words of a thirteen year old kid - god fucking damn I'm sorry if it was bad. 

Back-tracking to it being 2019, in case you weren't already aware - this book is pretty much discontinued as it's been like five years since I've updated it and I don't really have the time.

I don't truly understand how this book got so high up in the ranking and for that I'm thankful for that. 

Thanks for everything - and I hope you enjoyed reading this.

Lots of love,


p.s. I remembered about this fic as I managed to get tickets to see our boys in January 2020 - it's only taken me about twelve years to get to that stage lmao

Thanks for everything :)

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