Chapter Twenty-Three

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I watched Ash walk out the door with Jinxx and Jake, already missing his touch. What if something happends to him? I can't be without him..

"Mommy!" Leda cried from her crib, stretching her arms out at me. I picked her up, setting her down in my lap. She rested her head on my shoulder, wrapping her little arms around me.

I smiled down at her, pulling her closer. She looked so much like Ash.

After feeding her Sammi and CC joined me downstairs, bringing me some coffee. "I'm so worried.." I said biting my lip. "Taylor hates Ash.."

"I'm sure it will be okay Andy.." Sammi said, but I could tell she had her doubts.

"Want some more cof-"

"AHH!" I screamed out suddenly, a sudden pain surging through my heart.

"What's wrong? Andy?!" CC ran over to my side, catching me as I fell.

"Momma!" Leda cried out, and Sammi picked her up.

"It's my heart.. it h-hurts really bad, like p-part of it is m-missing.."

I feel empty all the sudden, like part of me has been removed. And whatever it is, it's a pretty vital part of me.

"Did he have a heart attack?" Sammi asked, rocking Leda back and forth in her arms.

"N-no, I d-don't think s-so.."'CC stuttered, getting all teary.

"W-whats going on?" I asked, groaning in pain.

CC mouthed something to Sammi and her eyes widened, glancing at Leda and then back at me.

"I said what the fuck is going on!" I demanded, too weak to yell too loud.

"Uh.. Andy I'm not really sure how to tell you this.. but.."

"B-but what.."

"Um, the pain you're describing, well.. It's the kind of pain you feel when you've lost your mate.."

No.. is he saying.. that Ash is dead?

"W-what? What are you saying?"

"I think Ashley is dead Andy. I'm so sorry."

No no no! He has to be lying! He can't be dead.. I can't live without him!

"NO! YOU'RE LYING!" I screamed, more pain shooting through my heart.

"I'm sorry Andy..."

I screamed as loud as I could, tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. "NO HE CAN'T BE GONE!"

They both tried to calm me down, but nothing would work. I will never calm down, I can't go on without him.

I locked myself in the bathroom, staring back at my reflection in the mirror. Eyeliner streamed down my face, I looked quite scary. I'm lost without him, how am I supposed to go on?

I glared at my razor. It was just sitting there on the sink, waiting to be used. I hadn't cut in so long, but I feel like I need it now.

I picked up the blade, dragging it into my flesh as I cried. Just one cut.

Oh yeah, Ash's gone. Maybe a few more cuts.. I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Before I had realized what I had done, I had cut up my entire arm, blood streaming down onto the floor. I can't hide what I've done to myself...

"Andy please come out!" Sammi cried. "We'll get through thks together, and Leda misses you.."


I would kill myself right now if it wasn't for her..

I started to feel dizzy as I stared down at my arm, the crimson liquid spilling everywhere.

"I'm dizzy..." I said, stumbling to the ground.

"Andy you're scaring us! Please open the door!" CC shouted.

"Mommy!" Leda cried.

"Blue eyes open the door!"

My eyes widened and I heard CC and Sammi gasp.

That voice didn't belong to Sammi, CC, or Leda.

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