Chapter 9

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So sorry for the late update, I was learning to play Little Me on the piano. It is actually really easy it took me like 10 minutes, (actually like 30 minutes).


Zayn’s POV

 My mum opens the door.

“Hey.” Perrie and I both said.

“Hi, Com on in.” My mum says moving out of the doorway.

“So what have you been up to?” She asks as we walk to the lounge room.

“Well not much, still haven’t told management about the pregnancy.” I say to my mother. She just nods.

“Zayn! Perrie!” I hear Safaa running down the stairs.

Hey.” Perrie says as Safaa gives her a hug.

“What are you doing?” I ask Safaa.

“Well I heard you were coming, so Doniya and I did these.” She says picking up two bags from behind the couch. She hands a grey bag with a cartoon Perrie and her name on it, to Perrie. She gives me a white bag with a cartoon version of me and my name.

“Wow.” Perrie and I both gasp.

“These are really good.” I exclaim. I knew my sisters could draw, but these are really good.

“Thank you. Doniya did most of it though.” Safaa says. She sits in between Perrie and I.

“What are going to call the baby?” She asks.

“It is only early we have another 8 months to decide, but I promise we will tell you.” Perrie says then looks up to me. In her eyes I can tell she is asking if she said the right thing, so I nod and she looks back at Safaa.

I didn’t even notice my mum hand left the room until she comes back in with 2 cups of tea for Perrie and I. We both say thank you and accept the cups. I hear a door Slam and realise it is the front door. I place my mug on the coffee table and see Waliyha.

“Oh, hey. I didn’t think you would be here yet.” She seems kind of surprised.

“We only just got here.” I say to her.

“So where we you?” I say out of pure curiosity.

“With a friend.” And that is all she says. I just nod, no point asking her about all the details she will just get angry and if she wants to talk about is she would have said something else.

“Hey Perrie, You want to see my room?” Safaa asks really excited. I know she has painted her wall and moved furniture.

“Yeah sure.” Perrie says, we both get up because I haven’t seen the final outcome yet either.

Her room now has 3 white wall and one purple wall. I walk in and on the back of the door is a One direction poster.

“Why do you have that?” I ask, it sounded a little rude.

“Oh, thats not the last of it. Look at this.” She leads Perrie and I two her wardrobe. She open the door and the inside is completely changed. There isn’t any clothes in there, they must be in the drawers over by the window. On one side of the wardrobe in One Direction everything. She even has a book about me.

“You know you can ask me this stuff when ever you want?” I say picking up the book that says ‘All about Zayn Malik’ on it.

“Yeah but you never give the juicy details on your romance. I mean I didn’t even know you have a tattoo of Perrie.” Safaa complains. I see Perrie trying to hide a laugh. 

On the other side is Little Mix everything. Perrie seems oddly amused that my sister soon to be her sister has all this stuff of her.

“Do you think this is a weird as I do?” I whisper in perrie’s ear discreetly.

“No I think it’s cute.” She whispers back.


Perrie’s POV

“Dinner’s ready!” I hear Trisha yell from downstairs in the kitchen.

Zayn and I finish looking at Safaa new room full of One Direction and Little Mix things. Zayn thinks it is weird but I think it is really cute That Safaa and even Waliyha and Doniya have a interest in what I do. I’m not even married to their brother yet and they already adore me and treat me like a sister.

“Come on.” Zayn says picking me up around the waist.

“Zayn! Put me down! I’m pregnant remember.” I shout at him playfully. He still didn’t put me down, he just carried me downstairs.

“Zayn! Put her down.” I hear Waliyha laugh.

I was slung over his shoulder so I didn’t know what was going on behind me. He put me down and I was in the kitchen. Trisha was loading plates with food and Safaa was carrying them to the table whilst Waliyha was setting the table. All of the Christmas cutlery and dinner sets were neatly arranged on the table. Tomorrow it will be the same just two more places will be set for my mum and Doniya.

Zayn pulls out a chair for me and I sit down, he sits on my right and Waliyha sits on my left. Safaa sits across from me and Trisha sits across from Zayn.

“So has anyone got any interesting topics to talk about?” Trisha asks as we all start eating. “What about you, Perrie? How is Little Mix going?” She asks as we eat. I swallow what was in my mouth.

“Yeah it is going good, we had an interview on Alan Carr Chatty Man, for the christmas special.” I say, I don’t really like to brag on the things we do or just generally talk about them.

“So how did the interview go?” Waliyha asks with wide eyes. Safaa looks like she is waiting for an answer too. 

“It was good. He started talking about wedding plans and if we had any, then he was asking about strippers.” I didn’t flinch or go quiet because Safaa is 11 and Waliyha is 15 so they don’t really care.

“Russell Brand was there and Alan asked if he would strip at the party. Russell said it would be a great honour then Leigh- Anne trying to get him to show us an example. He didn’t though. At the end of the interview we sang Little Me.” I added

“Sounds funny.” Safaa says. We finish eating then I help Trisha clean the dishes, after Waliyha clears the table. Zayn puts the dished away and Safaa said she was spectating. 

“Safaa, it is 8:30. Go to bed or Santa won’t come.” Trisha calls out to Safaa.

Zayn grabs out luggage from the car and takes it to his room. Even though he moved out he still has his own room.

“So what do you want to do?” He asks.

“I don’t know. I’m tired.” I flop on the bed. I slide under the sheets and hide because otherwise Zayn would just drag be back out.

“Fine we can go to bed now if you want?” He say laying down next to me. I get back up and change into my pyjamas and slip back into bed.

“Yes.” I mumble and start to drift off.

“Night Perrie. I love you.” I hear him say then he kisses my cheek.

“Night, Love you too.” I mumble then fall asleep.



Once again so sorry it is so late, but better late then never. Zayn 21st Birthday today!!! OMG!!!!!!

Spent the day learning Little Me on piano. xx

Comment thoughts and Ideas for next chapter please, like what they do during the christmas day???

Erin xx

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