Chapter 21

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Perrie’s POV 

I see the doctor make a really confused face while looking at the screen.

“What?” Zayn asks worried, it makes me worry a little.

“You um... might want to know that you will end up really big by the end of this.” He says.

“We knew that there are twins.” Zayn says.

“No there isn’t.” He says.

“Wait what?” I ask in shock. My babies, he just said they were healthy.

“It appears there is another little one in there.” Did the doctor just say what I think he said. We are having triplets. I saw Zayn mouth drop open in shock.

“Last time they said only two.” He was really shocked. I couldn’t say anything, as if I had lost my voice.

“Well  you are still in the process of developing. There could have been something else earlier, we just didn’t see it.” The doctor explains. Both Zayn and I are still in shock, but I just hope that he won’t get angry or anything. 

“Do you know the gender?” Zayn asked.

“Not yet we can only just tell the genders of two of them, a boy and a girl, but because there is three they will develop at different times.” He explains. I just give a simple nod.

“There are chances we won’t be able to tell for another two months." He continues.

“I’ll go get the pictures printed.” He says wiping the gel off of my abdomen.

“Triplets!” Zayn squeals as soon as the doctor leaves to print. I get off the bed and he engulfs me in a bone crushing hug.

“Umm, Zayn. Pregnant women here.” I point out. He lets his grip loosen

“Sorry.” He kisses my forehead and the doctor walks back in with an envelope of pictures.

“Thank you.” I say as we leave. We get out to the carpark with out being seen by the paparazzi.

“Well that was interesting.” I turn to Zayn and say.

“Yeah very.” He says scratching the back of his head. We both get in the car.

“You don’t want this many do you?” I ask as we start to drive.

“It’s not that. Just it was a big shock finding out we were having twins and then now triplets. It is a lot to process.” He says glancing at me then back at the road.

“And you don’t think it is hard for me too.” I ask looking out the window.

“I know it will be hard on you. I mean you can’t take a break from it for the next 5 months.” I hear him say. I’m starting to get annoyed with how he is handling this. 

“What and you can?” I say clearly annoyed.

“Pezz. That’s not what I said.” I hear him sigh a bit.

“It sure sounded like it.” I was still pissed off. We pulled up in front of our house, but Zayn grabbed my wrist so I couldn’t get out of the car.

“Pezz we can’t fight. I need you and you need me.” He says with a sincere look in his eyes.

“So what do we do then?” I ask calming down a bit. Fighting and getting stressed won’t be any good for the babies.

“Well let’s just take it day by day. Let’s just focus on what is happening today and work from there.” He leans forward and presses his lips to mine. It hasn’t been that long since we kissed, but I forgot how much I crave it. Our lips move in sync, probably for the next 3 minutes. We both pull away panting for air.

“Come on let’s go get some lunch.” He says getting out of the car. He opens my door for me and kisses me again.

“I love you.” He whispers. The three words, how I longed to hear them.

“I love you, too.” I say as we walk hand in hand to the front door.

As soon as we get inside, I call jade to tell her the news. “Hey Pezz.” She picks up.

“Hey, Guess what?”


“Well we found out today that there is not only two but there is three.” I Jade squeal on the other end of the line.

“OMG! Perrie that is so cool.”

“They can’t tell the gender of the third one yet though.” I sigh.

“Ok, I’ll see you later. Having lunch with Sam before filming.” 

“Bye, see you later.” I hang up and go into the kitchen. I see Zayn making sandwiches so I sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

“What are you making?” I ask him.

“Well. I know you don’t like sandwiches so You lunch is the oven. This is my lunch.” He says putting the bread on top of a stack of ham and cheese, even salad.

“So may I ask what is my lunch?” I ask moving to the stools behind the counter to sit on.

“Just wait and see my little Pezzie.” He says poking my nose. He does that a lot.

“Fine. But you carrying three kids is an effort.” I say stealing a carrot stick off his plate.

“Hey, your lunch is coming.” He says as a timer goes off.

“Now close your eyes.” I cover my eyes with my hand, I can still see a bit and I think Zayn noticed because he wrapped a cloth over my eyes instead.

“No peeking.” He said as I hear him pull something out of the oven.

“What is it?” I ask with my eyes still covered. I can’t really smell it, maybe cause I don’t have a sense of smell.

“Just wait.” He said replying to the impatient child I can be. He laid something in front of me then pulled off my blind fold.

“Ok, you can look now.” He says stuffing the blindfold in his pocket. I looked down and saw a big circle tray carrying a pizza.

“You made pizza?” I asked. He doesn’t usually cook so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a pre-made one we had in the freezer.

“Yes I did. From scratch, just the way you like it.” He slipped his arms around my waist.

“Thank you. But I would have been happy with a frozen one from the freezer.” I say pecking his lips.

“Hey. Only the best for the best.” He goes back to his sandwich and we eat our lunch.

“Thats was a good pizza. Thank you.” I say, putting the last piece in my mouth.

“I suggest we get ready to head to the studio.” Zayn says, while putting his plate in the sink.

“Yep. I’m right behind you.” I say putting the tray in the sink and following Zayn up stairs. I grab some comfy sweats to put on, because we are only going to get changed when we get there. Zayn does the same and soon enough we are both ready to go.



I know alot of people have been hanging out to see what the doctor said so I hope you were happy with the little twist that I put into the story. Next update soon. xx

Erin xx

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