Chapter 32: Jeremy

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In this chapter we will also get some news from Jade and you will get to meet Jeremy. xx


*2 months later*

Jade’s POV

Perrie comes back from Zayn’s tour today. The boys are in there last three months which is spent around the UK, Scotland and Ireland.

At the moment I’m in the bathroom. I have been throwing up a lot lately, so Sam wants me to take a Pregnancy test. I’m still waiting for the results to come through.

I’m kind of freaking out and kind of excited. What if I am? What will I tell everyone? What will I tell Sam? And my parents? Please be negative.

Not that I don’t want kids, I do. But Sam and I aren’t even engaged and I can see how much Perrie struggles to keep up with Zayn, Little Mix and her kids. It all seems really hard.

I look back at the stick. 2 bars pregnant, 1 bar not pregnant. The result are in. I’m...


Perrie’s POV

We show up at the front of our house, because the boys are playing in the 02 Arena for the week. Their whole tour was sold out.

“Zayn? Can you help me?” I ask. I get Aalia and Carter but Hunter still needs to be picked up.

“Yeah.” He picks up Hunter and we take them both inside to the nursery.

“You stay with them and I’ll get our things.” Zayn says heading back out to the car.

“Hey Carter, How you doing?” I stroke his forehead. He kicks out his legs.

“I’ll that as a great.” I laugh. He starts to discover his tongue and sticks it out.

“I’m gonna get it.” I grab his tongue lightly and he laughs kicks out his legs.

“I said I would get it.” I laugh. I hear Zayn laughing behind me and I immediately turn around.

“You are actually really good with kids.” Zayn laughs.

“Well I kind of have to be. I have three of my own.” I say then Zayn’s phone goes off.

“I need to go to the studio. Will you be ok on your own?” He asks.

“Yeah we will be good.” I reply.

“Ok, good.” He kisses my cheek and gives me a quick hug before leaving. 

It has been an hour and Zayn still isn’t back, so far I have fed and burp all three babies.

They have been changed and I watched a TV show I got completely hooked on, Pretty Little Liars. There is so much lying and they girls are so pretty. Hanna is my favourite, well her and Caleb. Haleb. 

I’m completely flat stomached now. No bump at all. I hear a knock at the door so I get up to go and get it. I open the door to see...


Zayn’s POV


I finish up at the studio at about 3pm, so Perrie has been alone for an hour, she should be ok.

“Boys, I’m going now.” I announce.

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