Chapter 34: Another Baby

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I have posted the sequel, well a summary of what it will be about. This is the second last chapter of Zerrie. The next book is Zerrie, We Are Who We Are. To find out what it is about go to my profile. I uploaded it yesterday.

Erin xx


*2 Months Later* - rehearsals

Jade’s POV

“That’s a wrap. See you tomorrow.” Melissa turns the music off at the stereo. It was weird watching everyone dance. I’m usually the one performing, But I have my big baby bump, my water could break any day. The due date is in 3 days.

“Carter, don’t touch that.” I pick up the electrical cord out of his hands. He starts hitting the mirror that is on the back wall we are sitting against.

Aalia has crawled over to Perrie, who is at the clothing racks, checking out some clothes. Perrie picks up Aalia and sits her on her hip as she flicks through the clothes. I hope I have a close bond to my little boy. Sam and I haven’t decided a name yet.

Hunter is playing with his blocks on the floor while Louis helps him. Guys playing with kids are really cute. Leigh and Jesy went to the bathroom, Harry and Liam are trying to twerk while Niall films and I see Zayn has joined Perrie and Aalia. I stand up the pick up Carter and place him on my hip.

“Do you want to see mommy?” I ask.

“No, Dadda.” He demands. For 9 month olds they can talk the basic ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘bye’, ‘mumma’ and ‘dadda’.

“Zayn, Carter wants you not Perrie.” I hand Carter over as Zayn laughs.

“I wonder why...” Zayn says motioning his head to Perrie.

“Hey it’s not my fault. By this age they should be eating vegetables.” She puts a hand up in surrender, whilst the other one supports Aalia on her hip.

“Ok, no fighting.” I say with a giggle.

“We aren’t fighting, we just had a slight disagreement on where or not we should feed them vegetables.” Zayn says.

“That is the stupidest thing to fight over. Just feed them the vegetables if they don’t eat it then don’t do it again.” I say as if it was the most obvious answer.

“Well they did eat it, well except Carter.” Perrie points out.

“Ok, Well I’m going to call Sam to come and get me now.” I walk off to my bag but only make it to the mirror before I feel pain through my stomach and a wet patch on my pants.

“OMG! Jade’s water just broke.” Jesy yells running over to me from the door she just came through. I lean against the mirror as the pain hurts really badly.

“Call Sam!” I hear Perrie shout.

I see Leigh pull her phone out to call Sam. Perrie and Zayn are now trying to comfort three crying babies that don’t know what is happening.

“Jay?” I hear Aalia ask through a little cry. She calls me Jay because she can’t pronounce Jade, neither can Carter, But Hunter can. Hunter has always been the one who can talk the best.

“It’s ok Aalia.” I whimper in pain.  

“Sam is getting here as soon as he can.” I hear Leigh announce. Jesy is still rubbing my back, while Louis and Liam are packing up my things so I can go straight away.  

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