Chapter 33

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*6 and a half months later*

Perrie's POV

My babies are 7 months old now and Jade has a big bump, she found out she is having a little boy. My bump is obviously completely gone and Jades is half the size of what mine was at 7 months. I did have three though, not one.

I'm sitting on the couch bouncing Carter on my knee. Both Aalia and Hunter are on the floor in front of me playing with building blocks. Zayn is trying to stack them as Hunter keeps pushing them over and laughing.

"Zayn, you should try it again." I say. We have being trying to get them to say 'mumma' or 'dadda' because they should start talking around this age. But none of them have said their first word yet. I pick up the camera and start filming.

"Hunter can you say dadda?" Zayn asks him.

"Dama." He replies.

"No, Dadda." Zayn tries again. Aalia throws a block at Zayn's chest and all three babies start laughing.

"Dadda." Hunter babbles, while clapping recognizing that he got it right. Zayn and I start cheering then I turn off the camera.

"Hunter can you say it again?" I ask him.

"Dadda." He claps. "I'm Dadda." Zayn says pointing to himself.

"Dadda." Hunter pulls at Zayn's nose.

"Yes, Very good." Zayn smiles.

"What about Mamma, Can you say Mamma?" Zayn asks.

"Mamma." He copies.

"That's Mamma." Zayn says pointing to me.

"Mamma." Hunter repeats again pointing to me.

"What about you Aalia, Can you say Mamma?" I ask her.

"Mamma." She claps.

"Yeah and Dadda" I point to Zayn.

"Dadda." I know she doesn't actually comprehend what she is saying and neither does Hunter. Around nine months they will start to say sentences and comprehend what they say.

"Carter, can you say it?" I ask him, he is still sitting on my lap.

"Mamma. Dadda." He points to each of us while saying it.

At 12 months old babies will start to walk. Then it will be worse walking around after them, getting them to stay away from certain things. We will have to start putting the baby locks on the drawers and cupboards.

"Pezz. Management wants us at the studio. Now that the babies are stable and your not pregnant they want to do they music video's for the other mash ups." Zayn says looking at his phone that just flashed a seconds ago.

"Alright, Well let's get them ready and we can leave." I gesture to the babies.

They are already dressed and are no longer breast feed, they eat baby food and drink milk from a bottle. So it won't take us that long to go.

Zayn and I are already in clothes that we can dance in, I just need to get the nappy bag. I put Carter and the nappy bag in the car while Zayn put Aalia, Hunter and a bag for us in the car.

"You ready to go?" He says as we get in the car.

"Yep, off to the studio." I jump in the car as Aalia finds it amusing to clap at everything that happens.

We pull up at the studio and I get the pram from the boot. I unfold it and wheel it around to the side of the car.

"Here Pezz." Zayn hands me the nappy bag to put on the stroller.

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