Chapter 27

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Zayn’s POV

“We have to take them back to their cribs now.” The nurse says as her and Zali take our babies.

“I’ll call our parents and then Jade and the guys.” I say once Perrie and I are the only ones in the room.

“No, it’s ok. I’ll call Jade while you call everyone else.”  She says reaching out to me. I pull her mobile out of my pocket and hand it to her. Then I grab mine and leave the room. I decide to call her mum first. 

“Hello?” She answers.

“Hi Debbie, It’s Zayn.”

“Hi Zayn. How are you?”

“I’m good, well actually. We have our new additions.”

“I’ll be there soon. When did they arrive?”

“A few hours ago. I’ll see you soon.”


“Bye Debbie.” I hang up. She seemed pretty excited, I’ll see her soon. The babies are in their oxygen cribs so I’ll call my mum now.

“Hi Zayn.”

“Hi Mum.”

“What’s happening? How is Perrie?”

“We have our new arrivals. Perrie’s tired but good.” I say before I hear a little scream in the other end of the phone.

“I’ll be there soon. Bye Zayn.” 

“Bye.” I hang up just as a nurse comes toward Perrie’s room.

“I’m here to do birth certificates.” The nurse says.

“Alright.” We both walk back in to Perrie’s room. 

Perrie is texting on her phone, probably the girls.

“Oh, hello.” She says cheerfully putting her phone on the bench next to her bed.

“Hi, Miss Edwards. I’m here to do birth certificates. Do you have names picked out?” The nurse says as I sit next to Perrie again.

“Yes, we do.” Perrie says.

“Great.” The nurse pulls out a clip board with photos of our three babies and the weight and length of each one.

“Ok, Your little girl. Her name?” She asks.

“Aalia Brooklyn Malik.” Perrie says with a smile, holding one of my hands in between both of hers. The nurse writes down the name and shows us to make sure it is spelt right.

“Ok, For your little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes?” She asks.

“Carter Josh Malik.” I say. She nods and writes the name down once again checking if it was spelt right. “And your other little boy?” She asks.

“Hunter Zack Malik.” Perrie and I both say.

“Alright thank you. I will get these printed up, then both of you will have to sign the certificates.” She explains just as Jade shows up followed by Debbie and My mum and sisters, but to my surprise Jonnie is here as well. I haven’t seen him in ages.

“Hey guys.” I greet them As they all come in. Safaa and Waliyha immediately sit on either side of Perrie.

“Hey.” They all chorus. I hug my mum then Debbie. I sit back down as Debbie hugs Perrie. My mum stand up behind me with a hand on my shoulder. Jonnie is standing on the other side of Perrie with Jade.

“So, how are they?” Jade asks like a little kid.

"They is another room at the moment but I can ask a nurse to bring them back in here for you to meet. If you would like?” I say. Jade nods her head vigorously and everyone else says yes very enthusiastically.

 I get up go to the room my babies are in and luckily Zali is with them.

“Hi.” She greets.

“Hi, can we take the babies back to Perrie’s room? Our family is here.” I say.

“Sure. Can you push one of the cribs then?” She asks walking over to the boys cribs. They are small see through plastic cribs on wheels that provide oxygen for the babies.

“Yeah.” I push Aalia’s crib out the door and towards Perrie’s room, Zali is right behind me with the boys.

As soon as I push Aalia’s crib through the door Jade let’s out a little squeal and I hear a few aww’s.

“They are so cute.” Jade squeals. I pick up Aalia and cradle her as Zali picks up Carter. She hands him to my mum and then hands Hunter to Debbie. I look over and see Perrie smiling at me.


Perrie’s POV

Zayn is cradling little Aalia, I swear it is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Men always look so much cuter when they are with small children.

“Can I hold her?” Jade asks. I still have Safaa and Waliyha next to me and they are watching Zayn with Aalia as he hands her to Jade. My mum is rocking Hunter back and forth in her arms.

“Perrie he is adorable. What’s his name?” She asks me.

“That’s Hunter.” I say.

“And that is Carter and Aalia.” Zayn says pointing to our other two.

Trisha hands me Carter, so I cradle him in my arms with Safaa and Waliyha stroking his head and playing with his tiny feet.

“We should go girls. You will get to see them again.” Trisha says motioning the girls to the door.

“Ok, Bye Perrie, Bye Zayn, Bye babies.” Waliyha says getting off the bed.

“Bye.” Safaa says as they disappear out the door. I hand Cater to Jonnie because he looks anxious in the corner. I’m so tired, I just want to sleep.

“Perrie? Jonnie and I should be going but will you be ok getting them home?” She asks Zayn and I.

“Yeah, the car has three car seats ready.” Zayn says as I just nod. Jade is still amused with holding Aalia, so I take Carter from Jonnie’s arms and Zayn takes Hunter from my mum’s hands. They leave with a wave.

“So when can you go home?” Jade asks as Zayn sits in the chair next to me.

“I don’t know. They haven’t really told me anything.” I reply while rocking a now sleeping baby in my arms. “Well I would be good to go home today.” Zayn says.

“Yeah, get settled in quicker?” Jade asks. I nod. I would be nice to go home and sleep but then the babies will cry because they are hungry or they need changing or they are tired. Which I don’t see the point in. If they are tired but already in their crib why can’t they just go to sleep? Anyway, babies will be babies. 

A nurse walks in with a clipboard and an envelope.

“Hi, Here are the birth certificates.” She hands Zayn the envelope.

“So, Miss Edwards, how are you feeling?” She asks me.

“Tired, but I’m alright.” I reply.

“Ok. Do you need help with breast feeding or burping?” She asks. I have been around babies for most of my life so I know how it all works.

“No, I know what to do.” I reply.

“The doctor will be in shortly but if everything is ok, you may go home.” She says and then leaves.

“Well looks like we know when you can go home.” Jade comments. 



I hope you like the new update. It is late because I started school yesterday and today we started actual classes. And I have to write a leadrship speech, being in year 9 and all. I running for year 9 leader!!!!!

Erin xx

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