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Wednesday, 4:43pm


After Harry picked Louis and Zayn up from school, he took all of the boys out shopping for Halloween costumes and such.

"Everybody hold hands." Harry said as they all walked towards the store.

"Why?" Zayn asked, seeming annoyed.

Harry pulled Zayn over to his left side so he'd only have to hold his hand instead of his brother's.

After they made it inside, Harry put Niall in the child's seat in the cart, mainly following Louis from then on.

Zayn trailed along next to the cart, looking at everything.

"Daddy what's this?" Harry heard Zayn ask.

He looked at him after watching Louis pick out a Spiderman costume, seeing that he'd found a bag of fake blood.

"It's pretend blood." Harry answered.

Zayn rocked the bag back and forth, watching it.

He was very drawn to the shade of red.

"Can I have it?" He asked.

"I don't know, it's pretty messy stuff, Zee. What're you going to do with it?" Harry asked.

"I want to keep it. Can we put it in a jar and-and I keep it next to my bed?" Zayn asked.

"Why a jar?" Harry chuckled.

Zayn shrugged. "Dunno. But can I have it daddy?"

Harry stared at him, debating it.

"Please?" Zayn begged with a cute little smile, looking up at him.

"Fine, fine." Harry smiled, taking it from him and putting it in the cart.

"That's yucky." Niall commented, making a face.

"Hey, you still wanna be Tinker Bell?" Harry asked him.

Niall grinned and nodded.

"The girl's section is this way." Louis said, pulling the cart.

Harry followed, too busy looking at Niall's cuteness to notice Zayn's absence.

The six year old had wandered off on his own, and into the adult section.

He looked over the costumes, wondering why the girl's costumes were all so little.

The ladies in the pictures were almost naked.

But the boy's costumes were normal, and cool looking.

Zayn didn't get it.

He kept walking, until he discovered a bin full of fake knives that looked like they had blood on the blades.

Zayn picked one up, bending the rubber blade before tossing it back.

He wanted the real thing.

Zayn marched right over to the counter, standing on his tip toes and smacking the bell sitting there.

An older woman came to the counter from the back room, smiling at him. "How may I help you little one?"

"D'you have any real knives for sale?" Zayn asked.

"What would a cute little thing like you be wanting a real knife for? You're not going to hurt anyone are you?" She smiled down at him.

"I might." Zayn shrugged. "Daddy won't let me have a knife. Will you? I have a quarter." He said, taking the coin from his pocket and putting it on the counter.

Little Angel [Zayn centric]Where stories live. Discover now